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28. June 2024

City marketing

Branding process Bocholt - Touchpoint management

In April, the results of the brand analysis for Bocholt, carried out by Brandmeyer Markenberatung from Hamburg on behalf of the city and city marketing, were presented in the historic town hall.

The 5 strengths

  • Cycle-friendly city
  • Netherlands on the doorstep
  • Strong business and university location
  • History and nature in the cityscape
  • City with a strong community

now serve as the basis for a targeted marketing strategy for the location.


Touchpoint management

An initial workshop was held in June with Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff, Brandmeyer Markenberatung, the City of Bocholt and City Marketing, as well as representatives from business and the urban community, in order to jointly develop the foundations that are central to effective and efficient brand management for the Bocholt city brand. "Brand management is not a sprint, it's a marathon" Henning Meyer, Managing Partner of Brandmeyer Markenberatung, emphasised once again in this context. "A brand is never finished, not even with the really big well-known consumer goods brands. It requires constant, consistent work to convey targeted storytelling, images and experiences."

Brand building is a joint process involving everyone - those who create experiences, experiences, "touchpoints", but also those who make and experience these experiences and thus form an opinion, tell their friends and acquaintances about them, highlight the strengths of the city and live the Bocholt brand.

The task of a working group from the city of Bocholt, city marketing and Brandmeyer Markenberatung is now to develop concrete approaches and implementation options over the summer in the so-called touchpoint management in order to then discuss proposals, ideas and initial measures in a further workshop with stakeholders and citizens.