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Volunteer Agency Bocholt

Strengthening voluntary work in Bocholt

Voluntary, civic engagement lives through the people who do it. The Bocholt Volunteer Agency is a service offered by the City of Bocholt and is organisationally located in the Department of Social Affairs. It acts as an initiator, mediator and intermediary between those interested in volunteering, organisations, companies, associations or other non-profit institutions that have voluntary tasks to offer.

Wherever possible, the volunteer agency relies on partnerships and cooperation with other local and supra-regional institutions.

The services of the Bocholt Volunteer Agency:

  • Information on all aspects of volunteering in Bocholt
  • Neutral advice and mediation on voluntary activities
  • Advice for non-profit organisations
  • Information on the "Volunteer Academy" (further training)
  • Information on projects and programmes

Click here to go to the website "Wir für Bocholt" (We for Bocholt), the website of the Bocholt Volunteer Agency.

The Bocholt NRW volunteer card

Honorary work card Bocholt

Civic engagement deserves recognition and appreciation!

That is why the North Rhine-Westphalian state government, together with many cities, districts and municipalities in the state, has introduced a state-wide volunteer card.

In Bocholt, too, deserving citizens who voluntarily help others can be awarded an honorary activity card.

The Ehrenamtskarte is an expression of appreciation for the great voluntary work of citizens and combines this appreciation with a practical benefit.

People who spend a particular amount of time working for the common good can use the card to take advantage of various offers from public, non-profit and private institutions at reduced rates.

In addition to many benefits from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, the Ehrenamtskarte is also linked to numerous offers from the city of Bocholt and, above all, from partners in the local economy, from associations and cultural institutions.

Frequently asked questions

What is the Ehrenamtskarte?

With the Ehrenamtskarte, the city of Bocholt, the state government, the other participating municipalities, and above all entrepreneurs and traders from Bocholt would like to express their appreciation of people who do an above-average amount of voluntary work for the common good.

The Ehrenamtskarte has a cheque card format and bears the coat of arms of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia and that of the city of Bocholt.

As a sign of recognition and appreciation, the Ehrenamtskarte in Bocholt is handed over personally by the mayor or his deputy.

What benefits do I receive with the Ehrenamtskarte?

Holders of the Bocholt volunteer card can take advantage of numerous attractive discounts in all participating municipalities. These include - depending on the municipality - reduced admission prices for museums, swimming pools and other public leisure facilities as well as discounts on adult education courses, in theatres, etc..

Each city has its own offers. The attractiveness of the volunteer card also depends above all on the offers of local partners from the private sector, clubs and cultural organisations.

In Bocholt, many partners are already involved in the volunteer card and more partners and therefore offers are constantly being added.

Holders of the volunteer card are regularly informed by the city about changes to the offers.

Current list of sponsors:

AVIE pharmacy (in the Kaufland building)

  • 10% discount on the entire product range (except prescription drugs and the statutory co-payment)

Carsten Häußler
Welfenstr. 21
46395 Bocholt
Tel: 02871 2921845
E-mail: apotheke-im-real-bocholt(at)avie-apotheke(dot)de

Azurit senior citizens' centre

  • One gourmet breakfast a month (please book in advance)

    Azurit Senior Citizens' Centre Bocholt
    Böwingsstegge 6 - 8
    46395 Bocholt
    Tel.: 02871 21930

BBV Media Group

  • Supports the city of Bocholt with the volunteer card as an editorial and advertising media partner

BBV Media Group
Editorial office
Europaplatz 26-28
46399 Bocholt
Tel.: 02871 284-111
E-mail: redaktion(at)bbv-net(dot)de

Department of Education and Culture of the City of Bocholt

  • 50% discount on all cultural events organised solely by the Department of Culture and Education

Island pool "Bahia"

  • free admission (3 hours) to the Bahia water world every year
  • You will receive a voucher when you receive your volunteer card and in subsequent years on your birthday
  • Offer only valid for holders of the Bocholt volunteer card

Bahia-Bad Bocholt
Hemdener Weg 169
46399 Bocholt
Tel.: 02871 272666
E-mail: info(at)bahia(dot)de

Hair centre Gudel

  • 20 % discount on all services

Kneipp Association Bocholt

  • Once a year a free 6-week participation in the "Nordic-Walking-Treff"

Kneipp Association Bocholt e.V.
Günter Puhe
Im Königsesch 39
46395 Bocholt
Phone: 02871 13476
Email: info(at)kneippverein-bocholt(dot)de

Association "Life in old age"

  • Free multi-cultural breakfast (once a quarter, 10.00 to 11.30 a.m.), St. Georg parish hall, St. Georg-Platz 1. For appointment enquiries and registrations, call 01523/2175091 or 0176 /12127230.

Leben im Alter e.V.
Andrea Unland
Dortmunder Str. 6
46397 Bocholt
Tel.: 02871 21765691
E-mail: aunland(at)l-i-a(dot)de

LWL Museum Textilwerk

  • 50 % discount on admission tickets

LWL Museum Textilwerk
Industriestr. 5
46395 Bocholt

Media Markt Bocholt

  • Free delivery and installation of all major appliances

Media Markt Bocholt
Berliner Platz 2
46395 Bocholt

Music school Bocholt-Isselburg

  • 2 tickets for the price of 1 for concerts at the music school
  • Inclusion in the VIP list for honorary card holders
  • 10% discount for music students who are holders of the volunteer card

Bocholt-Isselburg Music School
Salierstr. 6
46395 Bocholt
Tel.: 02871 2391711

Cycling Club RC 77 Bocholt

  • 50% reduction on the entry fee for the popular sporting event "Roseversand RFT" and the permanent cycle tour "Auf alten Schmugglerpfaden"

RC Bocholt 77 e.V.

Feldmark-West shooting club

  • Free admission to all dance events organised by the shooting club
  • 50 % reduction on membership fees

Shooting club Feldmark-West e.V.

Senior Citizens' Office City of Bocholt

  • Free admission to all events organised by the Senior Citizens' Office (except trips)

Senior citizens' office of the city of Bocholt
Berliner Platz 2
46395 Bocholt
Telephone: 02871 953-520

Shopping Arcades

  • Daily 1 hour free parking on the parking decks of the shopping centre (parking chips can be activated from 9.30 am - 6 pm at the info point on the ground floor)

Shopping Arkaden Bocholt
Berliner Platz 2
46395 Bocholt
www.arka den-bocholt.de

Bocholt City Library

  • 50 % discount on the annual fees of the city library

Bocholt City Library
Hndenburgstraße 5
46395 Bocholt
https:// stadtbibliothek.bocholt.de

Bocholt City Museum

  • Free admission to the city museum (plus one accompanying person)

Bocholt City Museum
Osterstraße 66
46397 Bocholt
www.stad tmuseum-bocholt.de

City Savings Bank Bocholt

  • 50 % reduction on the cost of current account management (monthly flat rate)
  • 5 Euro price reduction on tickets to all events where Stadtsparkasse Bocholt is involved in advance sales.

Stadtsparkasse Bocholt
Neutorplatz 1
46395 Bocholt
www.stad tsparkasse-bocholt.de

Bocholt City Theatre

  • 50% discount on the purchase of a ticket to all events at Bocholt City Theatre (non-transferable ticket)

Bocholt City Theatre
Meckenemstraße 10
46395 Bocholt
www.stad ttheater-bocholt.de

Super-Wash car wash

  • 1.50 Euro discount on every wash programme

Super-Wash GmbH
Franzstr. 29
46395 Bocholt

Dance Centre Bocholt

  • 20% discount on all dance classes offered

Dance Centre Bocholt
Friedrich-Wilhelm-Str. 1
46397 Bocholt
www.tanz -center.de

INTAKT dance school

  • Voucher worth 20 euros for all dance courses on offer. The voucher is transferable and can be passed on to children or grandchildren, for example

INTAKT dance school
Westend 31-39
Phone: 02871 7076
E-mail: info(at)tanzschule-intakt(dot)de

Volksbank Bocholt eG

  • 50% reduction on account management costs (monthly flat rate)

Volksbank Bocholt
Meckenemsraße 10
46395 Bocholt

www.volk sbank-bocholt.de

Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg Adult Education Centre

  • Free events for holders of the volunteer card. Look out for the reference "Ehrenamt" in the VHS programme.
  • Inclusion in the volunteer card VIP list with further benefits.

Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg Adult Education Centre
Bocholt office
Stenerner Weg 14a
46397 Bocholt


Requirements for receiving the Ehrenamtskarte

The basic requirement for the award of the volunteer card is an average of at least five hours of voluntary or civic commitment per week or 250 hours per year, for example in a club, social organisation or independent association.

The volunteer card is intended in particular to express thanks and recognition to those who do not receive any financial benefits for their commitment in the form of lump-sum expense allowances or similar . Voluntary work must have been carried out for at least one year in the area of the city of Bocholt and be confirmed by the organisation in whose area you carry out the work.

For holders of the youth leader card (Juleica):

Holders of the Juleica can also apply for the volunteer card, provided they have actually taken up a voluntary commitment. The other conditions listed above do not apply in this case. Please enclose a copy of your Juleica when applying.

Where is the Ehrenamtskarte valid?

The Ehrenamtskarte is valid throughout North Rhine-Westphalia, in all participating municipalities. You can find out which municipalities are already participating in the Ehrenamtskarte at www.ehrensache.nrw.de.

Where can I apply for the Ehrenamtskarte?

You can apply for the volunteer card at the Department of Social Affairs at the "Service Office for Pensions, Senior Citizens, Care and Volunteering" of the City of Bocholt.

It's quick and easy with the application form.

How long is the Ehrenamtskarte valid?

The Ehrenamtskarte is valid for two years after it has been issued. The Ehrenamtskarte can be re-applied for after expiry.

How much does the Ehrenamtskarte cost?

The Ehrenamtskarte is issued free of charge by the city of Bocholt to those who are committed. It is a tribute to all those who volunteer a considerable amount of their time and energy for our society and thus contribute to the common good.

Application form for the volunteer card

The NRW anniversary volunteer card

Anyone who has volunteered for at least 25 years can receive this special honour or be nominated for it.

The NRW anniversary volunteer card is a sign of recognition for many years of civic commitment and a small thank-you from the state of North Rhine-Westphalia for all those who volunteer their free time.

What is the anniversary volunteer card?

The city of Bocholt also issues the NRW anniversary volunteer card, which is valid indefinitely, and thus offers a further instrument of recognition for long-term voluntary work in addition to the NRW volunteer card. In order to receive an NRW anniversary volunteer card, a minimum of 25 years of civic engagement must have taken place. This commitment can have been performed in various organisations.

It is also intended for long-term volunteers who do not or no longer fulfil the required five hours of voluntary work per week.

If the commitment has been interrupted in the meantime, for example for periods of child-rearing or caring, this will be taken into account. Once issued, the NRW anniversary volunteer card is valid for life and therefore does not need to be extended or reapplied for. With the NRW anniversary volunteer card, it is possible for associations or organisations to nominate volunteers to be awarded the card.

The same benefits can be claimed as with the NRW volunteer card.

Digital app instead of plastic card

The new app "Ehrenamtskarte NRW" is available to volunteers. Not only can the volunteer card in Bocholt be easily downloaded onto a smartphone or tablet and presented, it is also easier to apply for or renew the volunteer card. A written application in paper form will no longer be necessary in future.

Holders of the volunteer card already benefit from more than 4,700 discounts and special offers across the country. With the new, nationwide unique digital offer, the thank-you offers can be called up at any time by localising the location. The app also allows users to navigate their way to the offers.

The app is available for the two most popular mobile operating systems, iOS and Android. It can be downloaded free of charge from the Apple App Store and the Google Play Store.