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Heat protection - What to do when it gets hot?


Summer not only brings sunny days and balmy evenings, but also the challenge of dealing with high temperatures.

Especially in the city, the heat can quickly become unbearable. To help you get through the hot days, we have put together some practical tips for you.

Drink, drink and drink again


One of the most important tips in hot weather is to drink enough! Water is the best choice here. Always keep a bottle of water to hand and take small sips regularly.

Avoid sugary drinks and alcohol, as these can also dehydrate the body. A little tip: a splash of lemon juice or a few mint leaves in the water make for a refreshing change.

Light food for hot days


Our digestive system is already under enough strain on hot days. Heavy meals only put unnecessary strain on the stomach.

Instead, opt for light, water-rich foods such as salads, fruit and vegetables. Melons, cucumbers and tomatoes are not only delicious, but also excellent thirst quenchers! And remember: an ice cream in between meals can work wonders!

Seek shade and coolness


You should avoid direct sunlight if possible. Seek out shady areas or stay in cool rooms. When you are out and about, wear a hat and light, breathable clothing.

Regularly cooling your body, for example by washing your arms with cold water, can also help to regulate your body temperature.

Customise activities


Avoid physically strenuous activities in the blazing midday sun. Plan outdoor activities for the early morning or late evening.

If you want to exercise, choose shady areas or air-conditioned indoor spaces. And don't forget to take breaks and listen to your body.

Keep your home cool


To keep your home cool, it is advisable to keep the windows closed and the blinds or curtains drawn during the day. Ventilate early in the morning or late in the evening when the temperature has dropped.

A fan can provide additional air circulation, but remember not to point it directly at yourself to avoid catching a cold.


Think of the four-legged friends too


Our animal friends suffer from the heat just as much as we do. Make sure your pets always have fresh water available and offer them shady places to rest.

Avoid long walks in the midday heat and instead take your dog for a walk early in the morning or late in the evening. A cool bath or rubbing with a damp cloth can also provide pleasant refreshment.

Never leave your pet in a parked car! In the midday sun, your vehicle will turn into an oven within minutes!