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Care authority Bocholt

"I would like to make provision in good time if I find myself in a situation where I can no longer manage my own personal affairs due to illness, accident or disability."


Our tasks

Time and again, we hear about events and strokes of fate that suddenly and unintentionally put people in situations in which they can no longer make decisions for themselves. They are then dependent on the help of other people who can make decisions on their behalf and organise their personal affairs.

They need people who

  • Know your wishes
  • Know how you would decide for yourself in which life situation
  • Act in your best interests
  • Implement the decisions you make now in the future

Here we give you an impression of the legal options you have to make self-determined and forward-looking provisions for emergencies and thus ensure that your wishes are also taken into account in this situation. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

You also have the option of having your power of attorney officially notarised by the care authority of the city of Bocholt.

As a large district municipality, the city of Bocholt is the only municipality in the Borken district to be a care authority within the meaning of the State Care Act.

In addition to determining the facts for the local court, one of our main tasks is to support and advise those affected in care court proceedings. Together with the two guardianship associations in Bocholt, we also offer support, counselling and training for volunteer guardians, power of attorney holders and power of attorney grantors.

The Bocholt care authority is also responsible for the registration procedure for professional carers.

Questions and answers on the subject of making provisions:

What is legal guardianship?

If an adult can no longer manage their own affairs in whole or in part due to a mental illness or a mental, emotional or physical disability, the guardianship court will set up legal guardianship with specific areas of responsibility. The legal guardianship can be carried out by a volunteer or by a professional guardian.

How do I become a volunteer or legal carer?

If you are interested in taking on a voluntary legal guardianship or would like more information, please contact one of the two Bocholt guardianship associations of the AWO or the SkF. You will find the contact details at the bottom of this page.

What is a health care proxy?

With a health care proxy, you give one or more people you trust the power of representation to make legally binding decisions for you if necessary.

In order to be able to make changes to the land register (e.g. in the event of the sale of a property owned by the person granting the power of attorney), the power of attorney must be officially notarised. You can have this notarised by the care authority for a fee of 10.00 euros or by a notary. The notarisation confirms the authenticity of your signature. It also increases the acceptability of the power of attorney to third parties. For further information, please refer to the brochure "Making provisions".

What is the main difference between official and notarised certification of a power of attorney?

Official: becomes ineffective upon the death of the power of attorney holder, so that, for example, real estate can no longer be sold after death

Costs of notarisation at the guardianship authority: EUR 10.00

Notarised: continues to apply after death, so that, for example, real estate can still be sold after death.

You can find out the costs of notarisation from a notary.

What is a care directive?

In the care directive, you specify in writing who should take over your legal care or who should not take over your legal care.

What is a living will?

In the living will, you specify which future medical, nursing or medical measures you want. This means that you consent to or prohibit certain future medical measures.

If there is no living will or if the stipulations in a living will do not apply to the current life or treatment situation, the representative decides on the upcoming treatment after discussing the medical measures in question with the doctor on the basis of the patient's presumed wishes. If - in the case of particularly serious decisions - the representative and the attending physician cannot agree on whether the intended decision actually corresponds to the wishes of the patient concerned, the representative must obtain the authorisation of the guardianship court.