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Industrial park expansion

More space for businesses and trade

Bocholt - the ideal industrial and commercial location between the Rhine-Ruhr area and the Netherlands.

Bocholt's industrial park offers companies an innovative and centrally located site. It is home to around 380 companies with approx. 7,200 employees. This makes the industrial park, with a size of approx. 300 ha, the largest contiguous and fully developed industrial park in North Rhine-Westphalia.

Location advantages

Centrally located, with direct transport links to the B67 and B473, as well as to the public transport network, it offers connections to Düsseldorf Airport (approx. 80 km) and Münster-Osnabrück Airport (approx. 90 km), as well as a waterway connection in Emmerich, approx. 30 km away, and in Duisburg, approx. 55 km away. It is thus characterised above all by its excellent location, its optimal transport infrastructure and its wide range of services.

The location on the edge of the Rhine-Ruhr area with direct proximity to the Netherlands has led to numerous investments and settlements in the areas of transport, logistics and distribution in the past. A dynamic economy and an environment with strong purchasing power create optimal conditions for the settlement of a promising branch of your company.

Target groups

Bocholt's I-Park focuses on companies that require industrial estate space or that belong to the manufacturing industry. In addition, framework conditions that attract companies in the fields of mechanical engineering, the food industry and resource efficiency are available and can be developed. Of course, companies from other sectors are also welcome.

The industrial park is currently being expanded by 40 hectares.

Frequently asked questions

Planned expansion

The industrial park is in the process of being expanded southwards by four construction phases totalling 40 hectares. Of these, one construction phase has already been developed and one is planned for this year. The two other construction phases can be developed and planned according to demand. Altogether, the industrial park will eventually cover more than 300 hectares of contiguous land on both sides of the B67.

For this project, the legal planning conditions for use as a commercial and industrial area must be created. In the course of this, various industrial and commercial areas are planned, as well as green spaces, areas for agriculture and forestry, and areas with water rights regulations.

The expansion will ultimately require an amendment to the legally effective land use plan and the preparation of a development plan. A prerequisite for this is the preparation of an environmental report in accordance with § 2 para. 4 of the Federal Building Code (BauGB), in order to be able to take account of environmental protection concerns.

Publicly available in this context is the

  • Theexplanatory memorandumincluding the environmental report of February 2020 on the preparation of the land-use plan, in which the existing situation and the effects of the plans on the protected assets of animals, plants, land, soil, water, air, climate, landscape, biological diversity, humans, their health, cultural assets, other material assets, as well as on the interactions between the individual assets are examined and assessed in accordance with Annex 1 to the BauGB; the statements made on the individual protected assets are based on various expert opinions and expert statements/plans.

In addition, the following expert reports and expert opinions are available from the City of Bocholt:

  • Odour immission forecast with supplementary statement on the objections raised in the course of early participation
  • Expert opinion on bioaerosol emissions and immissions with supplementary statement on the objections raised during early participation
  • Accompanying landscape conservation plan, topic: type and extent of intervention in nature and landscape
  • Preliminary species protection assessment, stage 1 , subject: assessment of prohibited species under species protection law
  • In-depth species protection assessment, stage 2, assessment of prohibited species under species protection law
  • Drainage planning, topic: design planning for the drainage of wastewater and precipitation water
  • Subsoilinvestigation 2009, topic: assessment of soil and groundwater conditions
  • Subsoilinvestigation 2018, subject: Assessment of soil and groundwater conditions
  • Report by Entsorgungs- und Servicebetrieb Bocholt, subject: drainage of precipitation water
  • Noise forecast in the area affected by the B67, subject: forecast of road traffic noise
  • Development plan for the southern IP extension, topic: overview of the southern IP extension
  • Traffic study, topic: Impact on the traffic network

  • Watercourse planning, topic: Redesign of the Laaker Bach stream

Procedure for the land use plan

  • Initiation of the amendment of the land use plan in the Committee for Planning and Building on 22.09.2016 (submission: 0169-2016).
  • Early public participation with participation of the authorities from 18.12.2018 to 19.01.2018
  • Resolution on public display in the Committee for Planning and Building on 04.07.2018 (submission: 0161-2018)
  • Public display with participation of the authorities from 23.10.2018 to 23.11.2018
  • Resolution on statutes by the City Council on 10.07.2019
  • Renewed public display with participation of the authorities from 14.10.2019 to 15.11.2019
  • Statutory resolution by the city council on 18.12.2019
  • Approval by the Münster district government on 20.01.2020
  • Legal effect of the amendment since 20.02.2020

Development plan procedure

  • Introduction of development plan 8-21 in the Committee for Planning and Construction on 22/09/2016 (submission: 0168-2016)
  • Early participation with involvement of the authorities from 18/12/2018 to 19/01/2019
  • Decision on public display in the Committee for Planning and Construction on 4 July 2018 (submission: 0160-2018)
  • Public display with involvement of the authorities from 23/10/2018 to 23/11/2018
  • Decision to carry out early and in-depth archaeological investigations in the Committee for Planning and Construction on 30/01/2019 (submission: 0017-2019)
  • Public event on 26/02/2019
  • Statutory resolution by the city council on 10/07/2019
  • Renewed public display with participation of the authorities from 09.03.2020 to 09.04.2020
  • Update : The 10th Senate of the Higher Administrative Court for the State of North Rhine-Westphalia has declared the development plan 8-21 südl. I-Park-Erweiterung invalid in accordance with the judgement under file number 10 D 187/20.NE in the Normenkontrollverfahren against the City of Bocholt based on the oral hearing on 30 May 2023.
  • Once the written grounds for the judgement have been submitted, the remedial proceedings will be carried out immediately.

Also interesting

Bocholt Economic Development

If you have any questions or are looking for a commercial site, the Bocholt Economic Development Agency can help.