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Budget speech: FDP

Budget speech by Burkhard Henneken (FDP) on the budget years 2025 and 2026.

Important note:

The following speeches were made by the respective council groups and non-attached council members during the budget discussions on 19 February 2025. The city administration of Bocholt provides these speeches unabridged and unchanged, but assumes no responsibility for their content. The statements exclusively reflect the positions of the respective parliamentary groups or council members. The administration does not check the accuracy or completeness of the content. The spoken word prevails.

Dear Mr Mayor
Dear employees of the administration
Honourable members of the Council, guests and representatives of the media,

In memory of Gerhart Baum, who passed away on Saturday, I would like to start my budget speech with a quote from him:

"When fear begins to rule our lives, freedom suffers."

Unfortunately, it is more relevant than ever. Our freedom is increasingly suffering in many areas. Excessive bureaucracy, existential fears, empty coffers and the increasing brutalisation and division of society, not least the terrorist attacks. People in Germany are at a loss, disappointed and fearful of loss ahead of the general election on 23 February 2025. This is the result of the latest in-depth psychological election study by the Cologne-based Rheingold Institute. The mood in Germany is perceived as explosive by respondents in both the private and public sphere.

According to the Rheingold Institute, the poor mood among the population is the result of a stuttering economy, mismanaged migration and crumbling infrastructure. These are increasingly intruding into everyday life and giving people the feeling of being stuck in the midst of problems with no way out. The respondents attributed responsibility for the existing problems and the perceived decline of Germany primarily to politicians.

A lack of optimism is criticised!

We, too, often miss a spirit of optimism in Bocholt - and also take a critical view of decisions and scrutinise political decisions:

Reduction in the size of the city council

The downsizing of the council is not only a fatal sign for the FDP parliamentary group, but for the entire Bocholt citizenry. Reducing costs is a pretence. It is certainly difficult for all political parties to get citizens to actively participate, but there can be no reason to reduce the size of the council. Spreading growing tasks over fewer shoulders cannot be the solution. This will not increase efficiency. The departure from political practice must be sharply criticised - the decision was taken jointly by the CDU and SPD behind closed doors and then made public.

The excluded small parliamentary groups learnt about it from the press. Ladies and gentlemen, you have thus cancelled our democratic cooperation. 15% fewer constituencies means 15% more votes for council seats. Fact, not fake. The hurdle for the size of the parliamentary group is thus being deliberately raised. This is an undemocratic act. Politics thrives on diversity and political groups in the city council. We currently have the CDU, SPD, Greens, City Party, BSW, FDP and now the SDP (Social Democrats Pacho) as parliamentary groups, which shape the future of Bocholt in the specialised committees.

Increase in value limits for contract awards

We continue to reject the increase in the value limits for the awarding of contracts and see this as a possible weakening of democratic control and a possible lack of transparency in the decision-making processes of the city administration.

Merger of municipal utilities

What is a daily reality in the economy can now also be seen in the area of public utilities. Mergers of municipal utilities are on the increase and, in theory, they make sense from our point of view, as they promise cost savings and can be a sensible response to the shortage of skilled labour.

However, according to scientific studies, the truth about mergers in the private sector is that around 70% of these mergers do not fulfil the goals promised in advance. In most cases, the reason is the inadequate preparation of such a deal. You still owe us an answer as to what costs can be saved through the merger.

As BEW is already a member of a purchasing group, it cannot be the bundling of demand. You have also failed to provide us with answers as to what overheads can be saved in the medium term. We are aware of the legal provisions regarding the safeguarding of locations and employment in the event of a transfer of operations in the first year. Nevertheless, we expect a forecast of the costs that can be saved in the long term. You owe us this!

In theory, there are many very good reasons in favour of the merger. However, they do not provide any figures. It is therefore neither recognisable nor to be expected that there will be savings in the long term. On the contrary: the press is already headlining that the city of Bocholt has sold itself short here. The conclusion is therefore that neither the citizens of Bocholt will benefit from the merger in terms of the electricity price, nor will the city of Bocholt make a measurable profit from the merger. Your idea is good, but your preparatory work for this merger is inadequate. That is why we have so far rejected the merger.

Town hall refurbishment

Our biggest bone of contention will haunt us for a long time to come ... our listed town hall on Berliner Platz. Ladies and gentlemen, you laughed at us at the time and rejected our plans for two town hall locations. You said the Gigaset building was run-down and unusable. In the meantime, you have decided to buy it and have thrown all your concerns at the time overboard. Late realisation is better than no realisation at all.

But we still differ on one serious point: the costs! At the time of the fundamental decision, we called for the expensive extension to be cancelled! We wanted a leaner refurbishment! We reiterate Mr Kerkhoff's statement. "Costs of up to 75 million euros are disproportionate to the benefits! Refurbishment should not be carried out at a cost of over 50 million euros." This statement by our mayoral candidate from 2020 is more relevant than ever! The FDP parliamentary group remains committed to this statement from the joint mayoral election campaign and clearly distances itself from the current plans, the chaos and the current costs of the town hall refurbishment.

Politicians and the administration have been making mistakes for months, I want to shake you up again, take a look at Marl. Marl's town hall has been a listed building since 2015, and the cost of its refurbishment now stands at 133 million euros! Originally, the costs were calculated at 37.5 million euros, which corresponds to a cost increase of 254 per cent! The FDP parliamentary group remains committed to the Berliner Platz site. We all sorely miss Bocholt's municipal theatre. But the reorganisation plans must be adapted and the costs massively reduced: Damage limitation for Bocholt citizens and taxpayers must have top priority, because we need a lot of money, a lot of money for future and much more urgent investments!!! We need financial room for manoeuvre to implement important projects in order to create a positive spirit of optimism. We have to take Bocholt's citizens with us when making decisions and convince and inspire them for projects.

Condition of Bocholt's school buildings

Refurbished and modern school buildings play a decisive role in pupils' education and learning. They not only provide an appealing and inspiring learning environment, but also contribute to the health and safety of children.

A well-designed school building encourages concentration and motivation among learners. Bright, well-ventilated classrooms with modern equipment enable effective learning and support different teaching methods. Refurbished school buildings can also promote social aspects. They offer space for community and interaction, which strengthens social learning and teamwork. An appealing environment can also increase pupils' sense of belonging to the school and thus strengthen school loyalty. Pupils need to feel comfortable at school!

Refurbished and modern school buildings are not only an investment in infrastructure, but also in the future of our children and grandchildren. They create the conditions for high-quality education and help children and young people to realise their full potential. The failings of recent years are having a massive impact here - some conditions are no longer acceptable. The new building at the Euregio-Gymnasium and the refurbishment of the Albert-Schweitzer-Realschule must not be delayed any longer, but the other school buildings must not be forgotten either. Here, words must finally be followed by deeds.

North ring road

The traffic chaos in the north of Bocholt must finally be solved, despite all the climate discussions, the solution is the Nordring.

The statement from Nabu: "In view of the dramatic consequences of the Nordring construction on the climate and the inner-city ecology, the Nabu district association Borken will fight legally against the construction of this prestige road that has fallen out of time" (Quote Martin Frenk, BBV 07.02.2025)

The greatest emissions are caused by acceleration and braking when driving. We therefore need a regulated flow of traffic so that Bocholt does not literally come to a standstill. The Nordring is therefore not a climate killer, but will finally relieve the burden on Bocholt. It is frightening how often and for how long we have to discuss the construction project. Nabu publicly declares that their goals are to delay the project and increase costs. This ideological blindness is a symbol of the standstill in Germany. Ideology must not be allowed to slow down Bocholt's development any further.

Local supply

The same applies to the blocking of building projects to ensure local supply in Bocholt's neighbourhoods. Investors are now becoming bit players. The advisory board of the Lower Nature Conservation Authority is meeting again today to discuss, among other things, "an application for an exemption or the prospect of an exemption in accordance with Section 67 BNatSchG for the partial utilisation of a meadow orchard for the expansion of a full-range store in Bocholt-Lowick". The compensation area will be created at a ratio of 1:2. Only 25% of the meadow orchard will be utilised and only 16% of the area will be sealed. These facts refute all the widespread fake news. We are pleased and grateful that a solution has now been found elsewhere in Bocholt and that the investor has presented the plans for the local supply in Stenern, here we hope for a speedy and problem-free realisation.

Event hall

In addition to investment in schools, two other areas are extremely important to the FDP parliamentary group, both of which would benefit Bocholt's citizens equally and significantly improve the quality of life - upgrading the local recreation areas and a town hall as an event venue.

It is positive that politicians have finally recognised the importance of Bocholt's Aasee as a local recreation area and that the Aasee concept is to be implemented - not all the measures, but at least something is finally being done that the FDP parliamentary group has been calling for for years. Hopefully the current work will be successful so that at least the water quality will be better again in the summer. The Aasee still has a lot of potential, which we must recognise and exploit - this also applies to the Mosse and the city forest, both areas can be ecologically upgraded and their attractiveness increased with attractions (seating, play equipment, etc.).

Another major shortcoming in Bocholt is that we don't have an events centre. We should all work together to find an idea and solution here, regardless of party affiliation and election campaign skirmishes. Perhaps we can even find partners from Bocholt's business community, perhaps entrepreneurs will make their halls available!

I would like to list a few points to emphasise the importance of a town hall:

  1. Cultural enrichment: town halls provide a central location for cultural events such as concerts, theatre performances, trade fairs and exhibitions. These events promote the cultural diversity of a city and enable citizens to participate in a wide range of activities. A town hall can thus function as a cultural centre that provides a stage for both local artists and international performers.

  2. Community development: A town hall is not only a place for entertainment, but also for the community. It provides space for civic events, such as holiday celebrations, civic festivals or gatherings that strengthen social cohesion. Such events promote a sense of community and bring people from different walks of life together.

  3. Economic benefits: The existence of a town hall can also bring economic benefits. Events and concerts often attract people from the surrounding area, leading to a higher demand for local services such as hotels, restaurants and transport. In addition, the rental income from renting out the town hall to various groups and organisations can help fund projects and maintenance measures.

  4. Diverse utilisation options: Town halls tend to be very versatile and can be used for a variety of events, from concerts and sporting events to conferences and conventions. This makes the city hall an important infrastructural element that can be flexibly adapted to the needs of a city and its inhabitants. In large cities in particular, town halls are often an important meeting place for people from different areas of society.

  5. Tourist attraction: A modern town hall can also become an important tourist destination. Architecturally appealing town halls often attract tourists who want to visit the building or take part in an event. This can help to increase tourist interest in a city, further boosting the local economy.

  6. Education and training: Many city halls also offer programmes for the education and training of citizens, such as lectures, workshops or exhibitions. This helps to make the civic centre a place of knowledge and personal development. For young people and schoolchildren in particular, a town hall can be a valuable resource for learning and development opportunities.
Bahia - outdoor pool & skate park - festival area/beach

While we're on the subject of wishes and a spirit of optimism... an extension to the Bahia with a "reasonable" outdoor pool, similar to the Waldbad, would significantly increase its appeal and attract even more visitors. Especially in summer, it is a pity and sad for a town of our size not to have its own outdoor pool.

A skate park in Bocholt would further increase its attractiveness. A skate park promotes youth culture and offers young people a space to organise their leisure time actively and creatively. It promotes the development of skills, team spirit and social interaction. We are pleased that our proposal is now being discussed further by the relevant expert committee and look forward to having a project developer present a skate park.

At the same time, we would like to campaign for a beach or festival area to be put out to tender on the unused Ibena site in the KuBAaI grounds during the summer months. The location would be ideal for this and a centre of attraction for young and old.

Payment card for refugees

I still have to address one contentious issue. The introduction of the payment card for refugees should now also be tackled swiftly in Bocholt. There is now legal certainty regarding the nationwide introduction of the payment card in the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (as of 7 February 2025). Unfortunately, according to SGV §4 (1) NRW, the state government does not allow local authorities to introduce a payment card and thus ensures chaotic handling in NRW. We continue to advocate the introduction of the payment card for asylum seekers in order to relieve the administration, control migration and ensure clarity and acceptance among the population. The discussion should take place promptly in the relevant specialised committee.

Neighbourhood work

The FDP parliamentary group has criticised and rejected the city's current neighbourhood work. Our concerns were often misinterpreted and portrayed as "social coldness". We are pleased that Björn Vollmering, as the responsible department head, shares our concerns and wants to take a different approach here: We are ready to cooperate constructively here and to support the social well-being of Bocholt's citizens in a meaningful and effective way.

Bocholt on Ice

The ice skating rink at Christmas time in Bocholt was a great success. Once again, the urban significance and utilisation of Neutorplatz was impressively demonstrated. Instead of a concrete wasteland, a versatile square was created. Fortunately, city marketing and the city have listened to the objections of the FDP parliamentary group and have not once again dispensed with an ice rink this winter for reasons of sustainability and supposed climate protection. Our thanks go to the Stadtsparkasse and all those involved and sponsors for this year's fantastic attraction. The visitor numbers prove us right and reflect the importance of an ice rink for children and families; a real magnet has been created for the city centre. All critical voices should now be silenced and not stand in the way of a future ice rink!

Farewell to Daniel Zöhler - staffing plan

Almost at the end, I would now like to take this opportunity to thank Daniel Zöhler on behalf of the FDP parliamentary group for his commitment to the benefit of the city of Bocholt. I would like to emphasise the implementation of the LernWerk, even if rooms for the Bocholt orchestras were not planned here... Nevertheless, a great success story is developing here! Daniel, thank you very much for your impulses in the building administration. We wish you all the best for your future.

Unfortunately, we see the loss of specialised staff as a problem, with too many managers leaving the Bocholt administration. We are concerned about this development.

We do not deny that there are always new tasks to be completed by the administrative staff. But in the opinion of the FDP parliamentary group, it is justifiable not to increase the number of staff any further and to absorb the tasks through the administration as a whole. Thanks to digitalisation, tasks are also being eliminated. We therefore firmly reject any further increases in the job plan. We citizens of Bocholt can no longer afford the administration.

Fundamental rejection of the dual budget

The dual budget for 2025 and 2026 is to be adopted today. The FDP parliamentary group will reject it, as we have fundamental reservations about a double budget.

One serious disadvantage of dual budgets is that the second financial year is more difficult to plan - especially on the revenue side - as reliable tax estimates are not yet available. Against the backdrop of the various major imponderables of our current times, of which we do not even know how they will develop and which new ones will be added, a double budget harbours high imponderables and therefore risks, i.e. extreme uncertainty factors!

Adjustments that affect the estimates for the following year after the double budget has been adopted can, of course, be included in a supplementary budget, but this then cancels out some of the administrative costs saved. The probability that unforeseeable events will require a supplementary budget naturally increases due to the longer planning period.

Another serious disadvantage should not go unmentioned: with a double budget, the council also sets itself a corset for the financial possibilities and projects for the years 2025 and 2026, a period in which new ideas and new approaches will find it more difficult to be considered. The planned double budget therefore jeopardises the Council's creative options today, at least for the year 2026.

I am happy to quote the Green Party-affiliated Heinrich Böll Foundation:

"In a two-year period, many circumstances can change; therefore, a double budget almost always leads to one or more supplementary budgets in the second year. This relativises the possible advantages of a double budget. It often relieves the burden on the administration or the majority parliamentary groups because there is no major budget debate every year. However, this can also be interpreted as a democratic deficit."

The FDP parliamentary group shares this view and therefore rejects the proposed double budget.

Closing remarks

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the administration for its work and commitment. I would also like to thank my colleagues on the Council. The FDP parliamentary group looks forward to working with you to shape Bocholt's future with responsibility and vigour. We are facing major challenges, but also opportunities. Everything can be changed!