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 Delimitation of the development plan 8-23
Delimitation of the development plan 8-23
 Allocation of external compensation area 4 to development plan 8-23
Allocation of external compensation area 4 to development plan 8-23
13. January 2023Urban land use plans

Preparation of the development plan 8-23, Loikumer Weg

The documents for the preparation of the development plan are available for inspection by anyone during the display hours.

Announcement of the City of Bocholt

of the public display within the framework

of the preparation of the development plan 8-23 in the district of Mussum for the area south of Kreuzkamp, west of Loikumer Weg, north of Siegeheide and east of B 473

(here: illustration, see separate file)

The Committee for Planning, Building and Transport decided on the public display of the development plan 8-23 in the district of Mussum for the area south of Kreuzkamp, west of Loikumer Weg, north of Siegeheide and east of the B 473 for the designation of new residential development areas with corresponding access roads, green spaces and an area for public use as well as an area for rainwater retention and a wooded area.

The draft of the development plan 8-23 will be available for public inspection from 25 January 2023 up to and including 28 February 2023. The publication shall take place during the display hours at the City of Bocholt in the Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulations, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 52-58, 46395 Bocholt.

Comments on this plan can be submitted during the display period. Contact details: City of Bocholt, Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulations, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 52-58, 46395 Bocholt
E-mail: stadtplanung(at)bocholt(dot)de
Telephone: 02871-953-423 (Ms Overkamp)
Fax: 02871-953-385
Comments not submitted in due time may be disregarded in the decision-making process on the development plan.

Disclosed are:
- the drafts of the development plan 8-23 and the explanatory memorandum including the environmental report of September 2022
- the available environmental information and the significant environmental statements already submitted.

The following types of environmental information and significant environmental statements already available are available from the City of Bocholt:

I. The explanatory memorandum including the environmental report of September for the preparation of the land-use plan 8-23. In accordance with § 2 para. 4 BauGB, an environmental assessment is carried out for the environmental concerns, in which the probable significant environmental impacts are determined and described and evaluated in an environmental report. In the explanatory memorandum and the environmental report, the existing situation and the effects of the plans on the protected assets of animals, plants, land, soil, water, air, climate, landscape, biological diversity, humans, their health, cultural assets, other material assets as well as on the interactions between the individual concerns are examined and assessed in particular using Annex 1 to the BauGB.

Among other things, statements are made on the topics of animals, plants, land, soil, water, air, climate, landscape, biological diversity, humans, their health, cultural assets, other material assets and on the interactions between them. This is based on the expert reports and expert opinions/planning described in more detail below.

II. expert reports and expert opinions/planning for the preparation of Land-use Plan 8-23:
1. preliminary assessment under species protection law (stage I), January 2020, and expert report on species protection law (stage II), June 2022, Landschaft + Siedlung AG, Recklinghausen.
Topics: Recording and investigation of species relevant under planning law.
Particularly affected environmental concerns within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Animals, biological diversity
2. subsoil expertise, HINZ Ingenieure, September 2020, Münster
Topics: Investigation of the subsoil with regard to the planned sewer and road construction.
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Soil
3. landscape management report, August 2022, Landschaft + Siedlung AG, Recklinghausen
Topics: Consideration of interventions in nature and landscape
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of Article 1 (6) No. 7, Article 1a BauGB: Animals, biological diversity

III. significant environmental statements by specialised authorities and other public bodies:
1. statement by Entsorgungs- und Servicebetrieb Bocholt dated 15.07.2021.
Topics: Water issues, urban drainage, waste disposal
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Soil, water, humans and their health
2nd statement by the Urban Greening and Environment Division dated 15.07.2021.
Topics: Concerns about the design of the green spaces
Particularly affected environmental concerns within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Soil, plants
3. comments by the Wasser- und Bodenverband untere Issel Nord (Lower Issel North Water and Soil Association) dated 22.07.2021
Topics: Concerns regarding the impairment of two rainwater retention basins.
Particularly affected environmental concerns within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Soil, water, humans and their health
4. statement of the LWL archaeology dated 26.07.2021.
Topics: Reference to possible archaeological and palaeontological findings
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 (6) no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Cultural assets
5. statement by the NRW Chamber of Agriculture dated 28.07.2021
Topics: Loss of valuable farmland
Particularly affected environmental concerns within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Plants, land
6. statement by Amprion GmbH dated 29.07.2021
Topics: Supply lines
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: other material assets
7th statement by the Münster district government, Department 53, Plant-related Immission Control dated 02.08.2021
Topics: Compliance with immission control
Particularly affected environmental interests within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Man and his health
8. statement by the Münster district government, Department 54, Water Management of 05.08.2021
Topics: sustainable water management
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Water
9. statement by Bocholter Energie- und Wasserversorgung GmbH dated 05.08.2021
Topics: Supply lines
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: other material assets
10. statement by Thyssengas GmbH dated 02.08.2021
Topics: Supply lines
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: other material assets
11. statement by the State Office for Forests and Timber dated 17.08.2021
Topics: Protection and conservation of forest areas
Particularly affected environmental interests within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Plants, soil, landscape
12th statement by the district of Borken dated 14.04.2021
Topics: Nature conservation and landscape protection, waste and soil protection, plant-related immission control, water management
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of Article 1 (6) No. 7, Article 1a BauGB: Animals, plants, land, soil, water, air, landscape, human beings and their health.
13. statement by Vodafone NRW GmbH dated 26.08.2021
Topics: Telecommunications lines
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of Article 1 (6) No. 7, Article 1a BauGB: other material assets

IV. environmental statement from the public:
1st statement from the public dated 23.08.2021
Topics: Concerns about increased traffic volumes as well as increased noise levels.
Particularly affected environmental concerns within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Man and his health

The available environmental information and the environmental statements that the City of Bocholt considers to be significant are presented. These are the documents I - IV listed above.

To compensate for the impacts on nature and the landscape, the ecological compensation measures (forest conversion, creation of extensive grassland) are allocated to the municipal compensation area pool 4 - Bocholt-Nordost (Kotts Stegge) (district of Barlo, plot 10, plots 28, 77, 78, 79, 87, 88, 91, 98, 110, 111, 112, 124, 125, 172, 174).

(here figure 2 - see separate file).

Interpretation times:
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays from 08.00 - 12.30 hrs.
Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdaysfrom 14.00 - 17.00 h

Note: Outside the above-mentioned hours, appointments for inspection can be made by telephone on 02871-953-153 (Mr. Buschmann).

Further information is also available on the internet at https://www.bocholt.de/rathaus/bekanntmachungen.

Bocholt, 09.01.2023

The Mayor
By proxy

Dipl.-Ing. Zöhler
City Planning Officer

 Delimitation of the development plan 8-23
Delimitation of the development plan 8-23
 Allocation of external compensation area 4 to development plan 8-23
Allocation of external compensation area 4 to development plan 8-23