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 Delimitation for the amendment of the land use plan
Delimitation for the amendment of the land use plan
11. January 2023Urban land use plans

113th amendment of the land use plan for the Bahia leisure pool (B-Plan NW 26)

The documents on the amendment of the land use plan are available for inspection by anyone during the display hours.

Announcement by the City of Bocholt

of thefourth public display of the

of the 113th amendment of the land-use plan north of the Holtwicker Bach to the west and east of the Hemdener Weg, south of the building Hemdener Weg house no. 210 and east of the grounds of the Bocholter Bogenschützen (Bocholt Archers).

(here: illustration, see separate file)

On 09.10.2019, the town council meeting has already finally approved the amendment of the land use plan for the above-mentioned area. However, the corresponding approval of the amendment of the land use plan by the Münster district government could not be obtained. Violations of legal provisions were identified by the district government of Münster. The approval of the amendment of the land use plan was thus refused.

The planning documents were revised with regard to the objections raised. The public display was therefore carried out for the third time in the period from 25.10.2021 to 03.12.2021. The resolution of the city council meeting of 09.10.2019 is to be repealed with the renewed resolution.

Due to the change in the legal situation with regard to odour immissions and species protection, the planning documents were revised again. This made a further public display necessary. The draft of the 113th amendment to the land use plan to the north of the Holtwicker Bach stream to the west and east of Hemdener Weg, to the south of the building Hemdener Weg house no. 210 and to the east of the grounds of the Bocholter Bogenschützen archery club is therefore being publicly displayed for the fourth time.

The draft of the 113th amendment of the land use plan will be open to public inspection from 23.01.2023 to 24.02.2023 inclusive. The disclosure will take place during the display hours at the City of Bocholt in the Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulations, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 52-58, 46395 Bocholt.

Comments on this plan can be submitted during the display period.
Contact details: City of Bocholt, Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulations, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße 52-58, 46395 Bocholt
E-mail: stadtplanung(at)mail.bocholt(dot)de
Telephone: 02871/953-421 (Mr. Scholt)
Fax: 02871/953-385

Comments not submitted in due time may be disregarded in the decision-making process on the development plan.

Furthermore, it is pointed out that an association within the meaning of section 4, paragraph 3, sentence 1, number 2 of the Environmental Appeals Act is excluded in appeal proceedings pursuant to section 7, paragraph 2 of the Environmental Appeals Act in accordance with section 7, paragraph 3, sentence 1 of the Environmental Appeals Act with all objections which it has not asserted or has not asserted in due time within the framework of the period for display but which it could have asserted.

Disclosed are
- the drafts of the land use plan and the explanatory memorandum including the environmental report of June 2021
- the available environmental information and the significant environmental statements already submitted The following types of environmental information and significant environmental statements already submitted are available from the City of Bocholt:

I. Explanatory memorandum including environmental report of June 2021 on the amendment of the land use plan. In accordance with § 2 (4) BauGB, an environmental assessment is carried out for the environmental protection issues, in which the likely significant environmental impacts are determined and described and evaluated in an environmental report. In the explanatory memorandum and the environmental report, the existing situation and the effects of the plans on the protected assets of animals, plants, land, soil, water, air, climate, landscape, biodiversity, humans, their health, cultural assets, other material assets, as well as on the interactions between the individual concerns are examined and assessed in particular using Annex 1 to the BauGB.

Among other things, statements are made on the topics of animals, plants, land, soil, water, air, climate, landscape, biological diversity, humans, their health, cultural assets, other material assets and on the interactions between them. This is based on the expert reports and expert opinions/planning described in more detail below.

II. expert reports and expert opinions/plans on the amendment of the land use plan:

1. noise emissions and immissions (TÜV NORD Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Essen, 25.11.2016).
Subject: Forecasting and assessment of noise emissions and immissions from the leisure pool including the extended car park.
Particularly affected environmental concerns within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Man and his health
2. expert report on species protection (Froehlich und Sporbeck GmbH & Co. KG, Bochum, 25.01.2017) Subject: Assessment of prohibited species under species protection law Particularly affected environmental concerns within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Animals
3. pitch extension of the BAHIA leisure pool, seepage investigation (Dr. Schleicher und Partner, Ingenieurgesellschaft, Gronau, 17.09.2018)
Subject: Examination of the infiltration suitability of the subsoil
Particularly affected environmental concerns within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Soil, water
4. odour expert opinion (Richters & Hüls, Abfallwirtschaft und Immissionsschutz, Ahaus, 07.04.2021) Subject: Assessment of odour immissions due to the surrounding livestock farms Particularly affected environmental concerns within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Air, man and his health

III. essential environmental statements of specialised authorities and other public authorities:
1. statements by the City of Bocholt dated 20.05.2016/03.04.2018 and 19.08.2019 (GB Contaminated Sites), 23.05.2016/ 09.04.2018 and 01.08.2019 (FB Public Order), 30.05.2016, 31.05.2016 and 09.04.2018 (GB Urban Greenery), 06.04.2018 and 05.08.2019 (Water Management).
Topics: Drainage, contaminated sites, explosive ordnance, urban green spaces, waste disposal.
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Water, soil, plants
2. statements of the waste disposal and service company (ESB) dated 24.05.2016, 04.04.2018 and 02.08.2019.
Topics: Urban drainage, waste disposal
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Water, soil, other material goods
3rd statement by Thyssengas GmbH dated 30.05.2016
Topics: Necessity of preliminary archaeological investigations
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Cultural assets
4. statements by Bocholter Energie und Wasserversorgung GmbH (BEW) dated 31.05.2016 and 06.08.2019.
Topics: Supply facilities and pipelines
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: other material assets
5. comments of the Holtwicker Back Water and Soil Association dated 01.06.2016 and 02.09.2019
Topics: Impairment of the Holtwicker Bach
Particularly affected environmental concerns within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Water
6. comments by the Münster district government, Department 53, Plant-related Immission Control, dated 02.06.2016, 11.04.2018 and 28.08.2019 Topics: Compliance with immission control Particularly affected environmental concerns within the meaning of Section 1 (6) No. 7, Section 1a BauGB: Man and his health
7. statement by LWL-Archäologie Westfalen dated 06.06.2016
Topics: Necessity of preliminary archaeological investigations
Particularly affected environmental concerns within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Cultural assets
8. comments by the district of Borken dated 23.06.2016, 02.05.2018 and 30.08.2019.
Topics: Plant-related immission control, nature conservation and landscape protection, water management
Particularly affected environmental interests within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Water, landscape, man and his health
9. statements by Westnetz GmbH/ innogy Netze Deutschland GmbH dated 14.06.2016 and 13.08.2019.
Topics: Existence of supply lines
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: other material assets
10. comments by Unitymedia NRW GmbH dated 15.06.2016, 15.06.2018 and 27.08.2019
Topics: Existence of telecommunications lines
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: other material assets
11. statements by the State Agency for Forests and Timber dated 17.06.2016, 05.07.2018 and 04.09.2021
Topics: Conversion of the hedgerow
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Water, soil, plants
12. comments by the NRW Chamber of Agriculture dated 21.06.2016, 23.04.2018 and 16.09.2019.
Topics: Use of agricultural land
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 (6) no. 7, § 1a BauGB: Area
13. comments by Deutsche Telekom dated 23.06.2016, 13.04.2018 and 29.08.2019
Topics: Existing telecommunications lines
Particularly affected environmental issues within the meaning of § 1 para. 6 no. 7, § 1a BauGB: other protected assets

The available environmental information and the environmental statements that the City of Bocholt considers to be significant are laid out. These are the documents I - III listed above.

Display times:
in the morning: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays from 08.00 - 12.30 hrs.
in the afternoon: Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays from 14.00 - 17.00 hrs.

Notes on inspection during the COVID 19 pandemic: All documents are available on the website of the city of Bocholt at https://www.bocholt.de/rathaus/bekanntmachungen. On-site inspection is still possible. However, it is advisable to make an appointment in advance. Appointments can be made with Mr. Buschmann at 02871-953-153 or jan.buschmann(at)bocholt(dot)de.

Bocholt, 11.01.2023
The Mayor
By proxy

Dipl.-Ing. Zöhler
City Planning Officer

 Delimitation for the amendment of the land use plan
Delimitation for the amendment of the land use plan