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 The competence day took place on the premises of Stadtsparkasse Bocholt
The competence day took place on the premises of Stadtsparkasse Bocholt
20. November 2023Seniors

Focus on care: City of Bocholt and dementia network organise skills day

65 guests in the rooms of the Stadtsparkasse // Special documentary film was shown

Last Friday, 17 November, this year's skills day for family carers and professionals took place on the premises of Stadtsparkasse Bocholt. The event, organised by the Bocholt Dementia Network and the City of Bocholt's senior citizens' office, attracted around 65 guests.

After an introductory stand-up coffee, Deputy Mayor Elisabeth Kroesen welcomed those present. She highlighted the outstanding commitment in home and inpatient care and emphasised the importance of supporting carers.

A central element of the afternoon was the screening of the documentary film "Blue Sky White Clouds" by Astrid Menzel. The film deals sensitively with dealing with dementia and shows both the challenges for those affected and their families. Claudia Hardeweg, representative of Netzwerk Demenz Bocholt and the marriage, family and life counselling service, pointed out the balancing act in which relatives find themselves between attachment and alienation. "The film is an impressive contribution to dealing with the topic of dementia," said Hardeweg.

The film screening was followed by a discussion over coffee and cake, during which the guests had the opportunity to talk to specialists from the network.

The afternoon concluded with an interactive dementia trail presented by the Regional Office for Ageing, Care and Dementia. Participants experienced the world from the perspective of people with dementia and thus gained a deeper understanding of the difficulties faced by those affected in everyday life.

The event provided an important platform for dialogue and further training in the area of care and support for people with dementia and their relatives.

 The competence day took place on the premises of Stadtsparkasse Bocholt
The competence day took place on the premises of Stadtsparkasse Bocholt