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 Senior citizens in Bocholt can get advice on how to use modern technology via video telephony.
Senior citizens in Bocholt can get advice on how to use modern technology via video telephony.
25. August 2022Seniors

Computer group "Mouse Mobil" offers free "consulting hours

Senior citizens receive free support with PCs, smartphones and the internet

The volunteer computer group "Mouse Mobil" from Bocholt continues to offer its open "consultation hours" at various locations in the city area for senior citizens who need support on the subject of computers, smartphones and the internet.

The "Sprechstunden" take place at the following locations:

  • every Tuesday at Apollonia Diepenbrock Haus, Moltkestraße 4, 10 - 11:30 a.m.
  • every Thursday at the Stadtsparkasse Bocholt, Neutorplatz 1, 3:30 - 5 p.m.
  • every 2nd Monday of the month Domizil Diepenbrock, Adenauerallee 96, 10 - 11:30 a.m.

Registration is not necessary.

About "Mouse Mobil

"Mouse Mobil" is a voluntary project group of "Engagiert in Bocholt", which has set itself the goal of making it easier for older people in Bocholt to access smartphones, tablets and computers. The initiators of "Engagiert in Bocholt" are the senior citizens' office of the city of Bocholt, the association "Leben im Alter" and the Stadtsparkasse Bocholt.

Information on the consultation hours and other offers can be obtained from the senior citizens' office of the city of Bocholt by calling 02871/ 953-758.

 Senior citizens in Bocholt can get advice on how to use modern technology via video telephony.
Senior citizens in Bocholt can get advice on how to use modern technology via video telephony.