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 Graphic for the announcement My Europe 23.11.2022
Graphic for the announcement My Europe 23.11.2022
14. November 2022Europe/International

Europe: Young German speaks about climate policy

Online event from the series "My Europe" on Wednesday, 23 November from 7 p.m. // EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt invites you to participate free of charge

The EUROPE DIRECT office in Bocholt is again drawing attention to an online event next Wednesday, 23 November. Interested parties can register via the link https://ogy.de/Deutschland-2022. The access data for the ZOOM meeting will be sent by e-mail. In the interactive, digital series "My Europe", young people from Europe present topics from their country. Next Wednesday, Tim Bosch will talk about Germany and specifically about climate policy.

Speaker Tim Bosch

The speaker is a project manager at the Centre for Climate and Foreign Policy at the German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP). His work there includes the security policy implications of climate change and the foreign and geopolitical challenges arising from the green transformation.

Previously, he completed a Bachelor's degree in "International Relations" at the Technical University of Dresden and a Master's degree in "International Security Policy" at Sciences Po Paris (Institut d'études politiques de Paris), with a focus on human rights.

Climate impacts in Germany and Europe

Extreme weather events such as the floods in Rhineland-Palatinate and North Rhine-Westphalia in 2021 or heat waves this year have made it clear that climate change on the European continent is no longer a phenomenon that is far away in time and space. With increasing global warming, extreme weather events in Germany and Europe will increase in intensity and frequency. In addition, there will be slow-onset but potentially fatal climate impacts such as rising average temperatures. Especially when these climate impacts interact with each other or coincide with other risk factors, this can pose a significant risk to social systems or critical infrastructure.

The event will provide an overview of which climate impacts can be expected in Germany and Europe in the short and medium term and what concrete effects this will have on different population groups and sectors. Finally, it will also discuss how Germany and Europe can increase their resilience to climate impacts.

The event will be moderated by Henri Schlund. "As always, your questions are very welcome!" says Sonja Wießmeier, Head of the EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt Office.

The event partners

The series of events is free of charge and is organised by a large network: AEGEE Aachen, Institut Français Aachen, JEF NRW, Charlemagne Prize Foundation, Charlemagne Prize Academy, and the EUROPE DIRECT Centres Aachen, East Belgium, Gütersloh District, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen and Bocholt.

 Graphic for the announcement My Europe 23.11.2022
Graphic for the announcement My Europe 23.11.2022