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19. September 2024Europe/EDI

Young Spanish woman talks about her country and projects to protect the oceans

Online event from the "My Europe" series on Thursday, 26 September at 7 pm // EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt invites you // Participation free of charge

On Thursday 26 September, EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt invites you to an online lecture about her home country given by a Spanish speaker. Interested citizens can join in online from 7 pm. The event from the "My Europe" series will be held in English and is free of charge.

EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt co-operates with other European offices in NRW. Registrations are accepted via EUROPE DIRECT Aachen under the link https://ogy.de/Spain-2024.

About the speaker

The speaker, Dr Verónica Relaño Écija, was not born near the coast, but has always felt a strong connection to the ocean. She studied marine and environmental sciences at the University of Cadiz. There she became involved in environmental education and social issues. After spending two years in France, Spain, Belgium and New Zealand, she obtained her Master's degree in Marine Environment and Resources. Veronica then moved to Germany to study the impact of hydropower plants on ecosystems at the Technical University of Munich. With a highly prestigious "La Caixa" scholarship, she completed her PhD in Fisheries at the University of British Columbia in Canada, specialising in marine conservation.

Veronica is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Santiago de Compostela, where she is working on equity in global fisheries. Together with the European Commission, she is developing a project to protect 30% of Europe's oceans by 2030. She also leads the oceans programme of the non-governmental organisation "Onewater" and oversees a UN Ocean Decade project entitled "We are Oceans".

The topic

On 26 September from 7pm, the speaker will talk about marine conservation and our relationship with the ocean. She will also present her global youth initiative "Letters to the Sea".

About the thematic series "My Europe"

"My Europe" is an interactive digital event series that invites guests to discover Europe. The organisers talk to young people from different countries about Europe and their personal topics of interest. The topics are as diverse as the speakers and can range from current political and social developments, culture and science to their own commitment to more tolerance and solidarity. In addition to the specified topic, all participants can also vote live on other topics and ask questions themselves on the evening.

The event partners

The event series is free of charge and is organised by a network with the following partners: AEGEE Aachen, Institut Francais Aachen, JEF NRW, Karlspreisstiftung, Karlspreis-Akademie and the EUROPE DIRECT centres from Aachen, Ostbelgien, Kreis Gütersloh, Dortmund, Duisburg, Essen and Bocholt.

About the EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt

EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt is part of the mayor's office of the city of Bocholt and is the local contact point for questions relating to the European Union. Its task is to provide local citizens with information, advice, help and answers to questions about Europe. In addition, EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt aims to promote European involvement and provide information on current European political events.