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 The EUROPE DIRECT Centres Dortmund and Bocholt jointly invite you to the online event
The EUROPE DIRECT Centres Dortmund and Bocholt jointly invite you to the online event
13. October 2022Europe/EDI

Europe: Italy going astray? What does the parliamentary election in Italy mean for Europe?

Online event on Wednesday, 19 October from 7 pm // Cooperation event of the EUROPE DIRECT Centres Bocholt and Dortmund

The EUROPE-DIRECT Centre in Bocholt draws attention to an online event next Wednesday, 19 October, in which people from Bocholt interested in Europe can participate free of charge. Experts will discuss the "Quo Vadis" Italy after a shift to the right manifested itself in the election there. Participants are cordially invited to ask questions.

Those interested can dial in here on 19 October: https://t1p.de/Italien19-10-22.

Registration is not required.


On 25 September, Italy voted. The former neo-fascists made gains in this election and will soon have Giorgia Meloni as prime minister. What course is the right-wing coalition pursuing, especially with regard to Europe? Italy is one of the founding states of the former European Economic Community. The founding treaties on which the EU and the entire European integration process is based are the "Treaties of Rome".

Where do we go from here with regard to the EU?

In view of a horrendous national debt, many political upheavals, especially in recent years, and an already traditional instability of the political landscape, we ask the question whether Italy will remain a reliable partner in the EU in the future, playing "right at the front" alongside Germany and France and setting the tone in the EU. In view of the elections, one has to ask whether this will continue to be the case in the future as well. Where does Italy stand today? Are we increasingly dealing with a crisis state that has been almost crushed by Corona? How is the country dealing with a still high number of refugees coming across the Mediterranean, not infrequently to escape the hopelessness of their countries of origin? How is the country reacting(ing) to the Ukraine war and its consequences (inflation and energy price increases)?

The experts

The German correspondent of one of Italy's leading leading media, the newspaper "La Repubblica" from Rome, Tonia Mastrobuoni, who is also known from the ARD Press Club, will answer questions, as will the Europe expert, Siebo Janssen, who can also be seen time and again on the TV channel Phoenix, e.g. as a commentator after elections. This online event will be moderated by Jochen Leyhe. We look forward to your questions!

Event partner

EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt, EUROPE DIRECT Dortmund, Auslandsgesellschaft.de

Here you can dial in directly on 19 October:


Meeting ID: 818 1336 3917
Identification code: 901193

 The EUROPE DIRECT Centres Dortmund and Bocholt jointly invite you to the online event
The EUROPE DIRECT Centres Dortmund and Bocholt jointly invite you to the online event