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09. September 2024Europe/EDI

Digital training programme for European journalists funded by the EU

E-learning platform "COPE" trains young European journalists // Europe-wide cooperation also aims to promote local journalism

Europe's first e-learning platform trains interested journalists to report on Europe in a more comprehensive, critical, versatile and audience-orientated way. In 14 modules, COPE trains budding media makers in the basics and mechanisms of the EU, research on EU topics - and how to prepare EU topics for local target groups, for example in Bocholt.

Since spring 2024, the training tool has been made publicly available by a network of journalism institutes in all 27 EU member states after almost 1.5 years of development. The "Massive Open Online Course" (MOOC) has 27 versions, one for each EU country. Over 1,000 European journalism students have already completed the MOOC.

The events

From 17-21 October, the Erich Brost Institute in Dortmund will host a presentation on the training programme. The occasion is the conference of European journalism students. Webinars on how to use the COPE MOOC will also be offered in September and October. Interested parties can register in advance by sending an e-mail to juliane.niepert(at)tu-dortmund(dot)de.

Further information

The project website www.cope-journalism.eu provides the opportunity to register and access further information on the project.

EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt is delighted about this initiative, which gives budding journalists the tools they need to report on the EU.

About the EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt

EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt is part of the Mayor's Office of the City of Bocholt and is the local contact point for questions relating to the European Union. Its task is to provide local citizens with information, advice, help and answers to questions about Europe. In addition, EUROPE DIRECT Bocholt aims to promote European involvement and provide information on current European political events.