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Cinema film for International Women's Day

8 March is International Women's Day. On this day, the film "Suffragette - Deeds instead of Words" will be shown in the Kinodrom. The Political Women's Network Bocholt and the Equal Opportunities Officer of the City of Bocholt invite you to attend.

8 March is International Women's Day. It is a day that particularly reminds us that we still live in a world where equality is not a given.

But on 8 March we also celebrate the achievements that women have fought for in the past for equal rights and equal treatment! The film "Suffragette - Deeds not Words" tells the story of the women who fought for women's right to vote in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. These women fought in an impressive way for something we often take for granted today.

On 8 March, in addition to the film screening, there will be an open discussion with representatives of the Political Women's Network Bocholt. Tickets for the evening cost 6 euros.


6.30 pm Admission and reception in the Kinodrom
7.00 p.m. Start of the event with welcome and introductory speech
7.15 pm

Film screening: "Suffragette - deeds instead of words" followed by an exchange on the film with female politicians from the network who were present.

About the film

In 1903, Emmeline Pankhurst founded the Women`s Social and Political Union in Great Britain, a bourgeois women`s movement that attracted attention in the following years through both passive resistance and public protests, including hunger strikes.

Struggle for self-determination

Apart from the right to vote, they fought for general equality for women and for things that are taken for granted today, such as smoking in public. Some of the so-called suffragettes were forced to go underground and play a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the increasingly brutal state.

They were largely working-class women who had found that peaceful protests were unsuccessful. In their radicalisation, they risked losing everything - their jobs, their homes, their children and their lives. Maud was one of these courageous women.

Running time: approx. 107 minutes
FSK rating: from 12 years (from 6 years accompanied by a parent or guardian)

(Source: Kinodrom.de)

The event is presented by the Political Women's Network Bocholt and the Equal Opportunities Officer of the City of Bocholt.

Book ticket