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Help for refugees

People from other countries seek asylum in Germany for various reasons. Here you can find information about local support structures and services for refugees in Bocholt.

Aid for war displaced persons

The Russian attack on Ukraine has the world worried: people are fleeing out of fear and desperation, mainly women and children. Germany is also a destination within the European Union.

Many people from Bocholt want to help.

The city of Bocholt continuously compiles up-to-date information for humanitarian aid on the ground as well as for affected people displaced by war in Ukraine.

Status: 8/2022

What is needed?

Living space

It is not clear how many people fleeing the war will come to Bocholt. In the municipal initial reception centre at Werther Straße 3 (formerly "Yupidu"), the people are safely accommodated for the time being. There they receive a bed, food, health care and support with the necessary official notifications and applications. They can stay there if they want, or get to know a Bocholt family who would like to take them in, or find a place to live in another way.

Private individuals can make housing available to take in war displaced persons from Ukraine. Yvette Rathai of the municipal subsidiary EWIBO accepts private offers of housing by phone +49 2871 21765-293 or by e-mail yrathai(at)ewibo(dot)de. Preference is given to housing units that can be used separately, such as houses or granny flats or similar.

In the case of privately rented flats, please make sure that the names of the new Ukrainian residents are legible on the letterbox. Otherwise, mail cannot be delivered.

Monetary donations

The Bocholt association "Bündnis für Familie e.V." accepts donations. The money is used directly for Ukraine aid in Bocholt. The account:

Bündnis für Familie in Bocholt e.V. - Ukraine

IBAN: DE40 4285 0035 0000 1421 33
City Savings Bank Bocholt

(please indicate address and mail address for donation receipt)

Donations in kind

The Coronahilfe Bocholt team has set up a donation exchange for donations in kind . On the group's website, people who can give donations in kind, such as clothes, household appliances, children's accessories or bicycles, can enter the respective offer.


It is strongly advised to refrain from making one's own trips to the war or border area with the aim of independently taking in war displaced persons from Ukraine.

Child care: Parents who wish to have their child or children admitted to a day care centre must notify the City of Bocholt of this need. The form for registering a childcare place is available on this page. Contact: Eva-Maria Storm (Department of Youth, Family, School and Sport, e-mail: eva-maria.storm(at)bocholt(dot)de, telephone: ☎ +49 2871 953-696

Translators: The Municipal Integration Centre (KI) of the district of Borken is looking for volunteer language mediators for Ukrainian and Russian for its pool of translators. The KI accepts applications at the telephone number +49 2861 681-4377 from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. Those with language skills can register by e-mail at sprachmittlerpool(at)kreis-borken(dot)de.
Information on the tasks of volunteer language mediators is available on the internet at https://bildungskreis-borken.de/sprachmittler.

Information for persons from Ukraine - first steps

People from Ukraine who have not yet had contact with authorities register in Bocholt at the Aliens' Registration Office. The foreigners authority registers these people. They give them a start-up certificate. This certificate states the address where these people have to report. This can be anywhere in Germany.

They can stay in Bocholt if their spouses or children already live here, or if they have a job here. All other people are distributed evenly throughout Germany. Please first make an appointment online at


Please select the area here:

Immigration Office/Immigration Office (Ausländerbehörde).

At step 3, please select "Counselling Ukraine" and enter the number of persons. You will then receive a proposed appointment.

The appointment will take place at:

Department of Public Order
- Right of residence -
Neutorplatz 3 (2nd floor left)
46395 Bocholt

At this initial appointment you will be registered with the registration office and can apply for a residence permit. In addition, you will receive further information on where you can receive support in the form of accommodation, subsistence and medical care, if required, once you have been registered under immigration and registration law.

Until they leave for their new place of residence, people from Ukraine live in Bocholt at Yupidu, Werther Straße 3a, Bocholt. They report to the social services there.

Telephone of the Foreigners' Registration Office: +49 2871 953-298

Telephone of the Asylum Benefits Department: +49 2871 953-787

In the case of homeless persons from Ukraine, the first step is to provide them with accommodation before they are processed under residence law. In these cases, please first contact the Social Welfare Department, Berliner Platz 2, 46395 Bocholt (Ms Papenkort, Tel. +49 2871-953 or +49 2871-787) by telephone.

Interesting links

Form for the notification of living space

Citizens' information on planned refugee accommodation in Biemenhorst

Triggered by the Russia-Ukraine conflict at the beginning of last year, but also by other crises in the world, more and more people are currently coming to Germany and thus also to Bocholt, seeking protection and shelter as they flee war and persecution.

In 2022, a housing complex has been built and put into operation in Bocholt - in addition to the already existing accommodation facilities - on the grounds of the former stadium of SC 26 Bocholt. Since the beginning of 2023, the gymnasium of the Overberg School has also been used for initial accommodation.

In view of the still tense situation, the city of Bocholt will expand the capacities for refugee provision. In addition to the conversion of gymnasiums, priority will be given to examining vacant public spaces.

Thus, due to the special regulations for refugee accommodation according to the provisions of § 246 of the Building Code, it is possible to use areas in the external area under building planning law for the accommodation of refugees due to the emergency situation. In this context, a public area in the area "Auf dem Takenkamp" has come into focus .

Due to the acute emergency situation, the city of Bocholt intends to prepare a site here - for a limited period of time - for the accommodation of refugees.

The city of Bocholt provided information on this in two citizens' meetings on 28 February and 2 March 2023 in the community centre and distributed initial information letters to Biemenhorst residents beforehand (for information, see download).

"Questions and concerns, ideas and suggestions can be expressed openly," say Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff and First Councillor Thomas Waschki.