Maximum age: 40 years and six months (exceptions possible in certain cases) - Section 14 LBG NRW
German citizenship or citizenship of an EU member state - § 7 BeamtStG
This is how the training works
Fire chiefs fight fires, provide technical assistance in accidents, save human or animal lives and care for injured or sick persons.
Training for the intermediate fire service as a fire chief candidate lasts 18 months and takes place at the Fire and Rescue Academy in Bocholt. It comprises both a technical fire service part and a rescue service part.
The course of the fire service technical part is structured as follows:
Basic training and fire brigade leader course: approx. 22 weeks
Additional local fire brigade training: approx. 8 weeks
practical training at fire and rescue stations: approx. 24 weeks
Driving licence course: approx. 4 weeks
Examination course: approx. 4 weeks
The rescue service part includes the following areas:
Paramedic course: approx. 4 weeks
Hospital internship: approx. 4 weeks
Practical training at a fire and rescue station: approx. 4 weeks
Examination course: approx. 1 week
At the end of the training, an examination for career group 1, 2nd entry level of the fire service has to be taken. This consists of a written, practical and oral part.