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Our Bocholt

The magazine "UNSER BOCHOLT" has been published for 75 years by the Verein für Heimatpflege Bocholt e.V. with the support of the city of Bocholt. The magazine documents the cultural, historical, architectural, political, linguistic and natural history development of the city and region of Bocholt and serves as a platform for dialogue.

Since the first issue in 1950, around 300 issues with 4,420 articles on 18,000 pages have been published. The journal is therefore a treasure trove of the city's history and a reference work for academics and the general public. All older issues of the journal can be viewed in the city library or the city archives, and work is currently underway to make them available online.

Our Bocholt

To the editorial office

The Bocholt City Archive and the editorial committee are responsible for the editorial work. Possible contributions and manuscripts can be sent directly to the editor Renate Volks-Kuhlmann.

If you would like to subscribe to the magazine or if your subscription details have changed, please contact Wolfgang Tembrink or the Verein für Heimatpflege Bocholt. Single issues of the magazine can be purchased for 6 euros from Bocholt bookshops, the Kunsthaus and the city archives.

Current issue

Cover: Our Bocholt

Issue 4/2024

Contents of this issue:

  • Churches and monasteries through the ages. On the closure of the Bocholt Poor Clares monastery and its significance for church life in Bocholt from the perspective of parish pastoral care (Author: Pastor Matthias Hembrock)
  • Riepenhoff, Knipschild, Frankfurter & Co - or: The plate is kept for reordering. The first photographers in Bocholt (Author: Wolfgang Tembrink)
  • The first football at Christmas (Author: Walter Vieth)

and more!