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 For a beautiful and attractive city centre; citizens can submit ideas.
For a beautiful and attractive city centre; citizens can submit ideas.
 The Bocholt city centre concept is to be made more attractive in the coming years through further measures. The public can submit ideas and suggestions.
The Bocholt city centre concept is to be made more attractive in the coming years through further measures. The public can submit ideas and suggestions.
07. April 2024Urban development

Citizens can submit ideas for further city centre design

From 8 April to 5 May - online or during the city tour on 22 April // City adapts plan for western sector of the city to the new funding guidelines

The city of Bocholt is now adapting its concept for city centre design - the so-called "integrated urban development concept (ISEK) - for the western city centre to the new funding guidelines. Citizens can submit ideas and suggestions via the city's participation portal from Monday 8 April to 5 May.

On Monday, 22 April, there will also be a public, moderated tour of Bocholt's city centre. The planned measures will be explained and ideas from the public will be recorded. The meeting point is at 5 pm in front of the historic town hall.

The central question is which measures to improve the city centre should continue to be pursued and implemented in the coming years, including six public projects around the market square and the western area of the city centre. These include the possible redesign of Ravardistrasse, Josef-Jakob-Platz, St. Georg-Platz and Gausthausplatz or the upgrading of the green space at "Schanze".

From Monday, citizens can submit comments and contributions on the city's participation portal ( www.bocholt.de/buergerbeteiligung ). The draft concept of the ISEK with the objectives and an overview of completed, ongoing and planned projects to make the city centre more attractive can be downloaded.

 For a beautiful and attractive city centre; citizens can submit ideas.
For a beautiful and attractive city centre; citizens can submit ideas.
 The Bocholt city centre concept is to be made more attractive in the coming years through further measures. The public can submit ideas and suggestions.
The Bocholt city centre concept is to be made more attractive in the coming years through further measures. The public can submit ideas and suggestions.