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 Traffic data is collected in the Königstraße / Markt area.
Traffic data is collected in the Königstraße / Markt area.
05. September 2024Traffic

Traffic count in the city centre

In the Markt/Königstraße area on 9 and 10 September // Data protection ensured

The city of Bocholt is having a traffic survey carried out in the city centre in the Markt/Königstraße area in the coming week in order to be able to assess traffic and urban development measures on this basis.

The data is collected using video cameras. Conclusions about individual persons or vehicles are prevented by technical measures, such as pixelation of persons and licence plates, in accordance with data protection regulations.

 Traffic data is collected in the Königstraße / Markt area.
Traffic data is collected in the Königstraße / Markt area.