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17. November 2023Traffic

Part of Münsterstraße closed on Sunday

On Sunday, 19 November, part of Münsterstraße in Bocholt will have to be closed between 9 am and 3 pm. The reason for this is the dismantling of a crane.

Münsterstraße will be fully closed to traffic between Blücherstr and Am Kreuzberg on Sunday, 19 November, between 9 am and 3 pm. Cyclists and pedestrians will still be able to pass through the area. The reason for this is the dismantling of a crane at house number 79.

The necessary work and the associated closure have been deliberately scheduled for a Sunday in consultation with the authorities and local public transport, as experience has shown that the impact on traffic is less than on a normal weekday. For the duration of the closure, buses coming from Rhede will travel via the B67.

At the Fachhochschule, a sign will indicate a recommended diversions via the B67. Traffic will be diverted from the urban ring road via Industriestraße by means of signposts. Signposts on Hochfeldstraße and Lönsstraße indicate the closure. Those familiar with the area are asked to drive round the area until probably 3 pm.