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05. May 2023


New service: Secure bicycle parking via app

Cyclists can now safely store their bikes at Bocholt station without a subscription. A day ticket can now be booked there for one euro via the Chayns app.


In future, short-stay parkers will also be able to safely store their bikes at Bocholt station. Workshop manager Hans-Georg Hustede (from left), location manager Werner Schweers and Daniel Elting (team leader bike stations) show how it works.

Until now, if you wanted to safely store your bike at Bocholt station, you had to pay for a permanent parking space. From now on, there is also an offer for short-term parkers: they can now store their bike for one euro for 24 hours in a locked and covered parking facility directly at the station. In the past few months, this facility has been equipped with new leaning bars, cleaned and rebuilt.

"We have about 40 parking spaces available here, the ticket costs one euro and is always valid until five in the morning," explains Holger Frieling from the Mobility and Environment Department. The booking works via the Chayns app, which many people from the region already know through the Corona test stations.

Chayns app as a temporary solution

Booking via Chayns app will be introduced temporarily until the development of a state-wide solution is completed. In the future, booking will be done via the radbox.nrw system. "This is very fresh on the market, we will still set up a control terminal here to use it," says Frieling.

"It was important for us to get started now and to be able to offer an interim solution," says Hans-Georg Hustede from Büngern-Technik. The Büngern-Technik team looks after the parking facility at the station, as well as the bike station at the Bocholt Bustreff.

In addition to the parking facility at the station, a similar solution is also planned for Liebfrauenplatz in Bocholt: There, too, the parking facility is to be securely fenced off and equipped with a short-term parking system. Further lockable boxes are also planned for the shopping arcades.

In future, short-stay parkers will also be able to park their bikes safely at the station

This is how the booking works:

1) Download the Chayns app from the Apple App Store (iPhone ) or Google Play Store (Android ) and log in or register.

2) Scan the QR code at the entrance of the bike station with the camera of your smartphone or alternatively call up the booking tool within the app using the keyword " bike station" and "bike stations Bocholt".

3) There you can either book "as of now" - or select a booking period in advance.

To open the door:

1) After booking in the Chayns app, select "cards" in the lower navigation.

2) Call up the parking space "Radstation Bahnhof".

3) Tap on "open" under "Control" and then hold the smartphone against the door lock.


  • Parking spaces reserved in advance can be cancelled via the app.
  • If you no longer need a bicycle parking space, you can release it again in the app - but in this case there will be no refund.
  • Büngern-Technik at the station offers a repair service with pick-up for both daily and long-term parkers. More information is available on the Büngern-Technik website.