Successful launch of "Neighbourhood Help"
Making sensible use of care relief // Places are still available for Tuesday, 4 February and Monday, 10 February
Bringing together those who need help with those who want to give support: That is the aim of the "Marktplatz Nachbarschaftshilfe". The start of this four-part series of events organised by the city of Bocholt was very promising. And there are still places available for the upcoming events.
The Caritas Association Bocholt's neighbourhood meeting point on Münsterstraße was packed to the rafters for the opening event. After a presentation on the framework conditions for neighbourhood help, the senior citizens looking for support in their everyday lives quickly got talking to the neighbourhood helpers.
"We are very pleased with the positive response and the great feedback from the participants. A number of agreements have already been reached, so that in future senior citizens will be able to receive at least ten hours of support per month for the relief amount", says Christian Tewiele from the responsible department for senior citizens, volunteering, care and pensions in the city of Bocholt.
The city council's senior citizens' office is still accepting registrations for the next dates from senior citizens with a care degree who are looking for support, as well as from volunteers who would like to get involved as neighbourhood helpers, by e-mail seniorenbuero(at)bocholt(dot)de or by telephone on 02871/ 953 2234.
- Tuesday, 4 February 2025, from 5 p.m.
Tür an Tür e.V. Parish Hall Ss. Ewaldi Schwertstraße 22, 46395 Bocholt
(Note: Childcare will be provided during this event) - Monday, 10 February 2025, from 5 p.m.
DRK Borken district neighbourhood meeting point DRK Bärendorfstraße 24, 46395 Bocholt
Background: Relief amount
A total of four events entitled "Marktplatz Nachbarschaftshilfe" will be held in cooperation with four neighbourhood centres in Bocholt. They are aimed at senior citizens with a care degree who would like to make good use of their monthly relief amount of 131 euros, as well as young people and adults who would like to get involved in neighbourhood help and earn extra money (131 euros).
All information about the project can be found at