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"Stay connected" is the theme of the Dementia Week taking place in Bocholt in September. (symbolic photo)
25. August 2022Social

Staying "connected despite dementia"

Competence day for caring relatives and professionals of people with dementia // Friday, 23 September, from 13:30 at Stadtsparkasse Bocholt // Dementia network invites you to attend

On Friday, 23 September, the Bocholt Dementia Network invites relatives, those affected and professionals who deal with people suffering from dementia to an event at the Stadtsparkasse Bocholt (Neutorplatz 1). Experts will report on the background to the disease and give practical tips for everyday life. The event begins at 13:30 with a coffee break. Admission is free.

Registration is accepted by the municipal senior citizens' office until 16 September on tel. 02871 953-758.

Themed week "Dementia"

The event is part of the Dementia Week, which will be held from 19 to 25 September and will draw attention to the situation of dementia sufferers, relatives and carers with a wide range of offers and activities. This year, the motto of Dementia Week is "Dementia - stay connected".

Today, around two thirds of dementia sufferers are looked after and cared for within the family. An important task is to absorb the stresses and strains that arise for carers. In particular, the emotional burdens such as disappointment, despair, feelings of guilt and sometimes resignation increase over the years.

Lectures and tips

The challenges associated with caring for a person with dementia will be addressed by the speaker Huub Buijssen, psychogerontologist and clinical psychologist, in his lecture "The magical world of Alzheimer".

The second speaker, Dr Tim Stuckenschneider (German Sport University Cologne), will talk about the contribution that sport and exercise can make to everyday life. His contribution is entitled "Exercise as support for relatives and those affected - effects and implementation options".

The event will also provide tips on coping with stress, specifically aimed at family carers. Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff will open the event on 23 September with a welcoming address.

Background: The Bocholt Dementia Network

The aim of the network is to expand and bundle care services for people with dementia and their relatives. Much has been achieved by the network since 2008: lectures, theme weeks, information and seminar events as well as special campaigns (such as the "dementia rucksack" in the city library) have since helped to bring the increasingly important social issue of "dementia" out of the shadows, allay fears and offer concrete support formats for those affected and their relatives.

For further information on the Dementia Network, please contact the Bocholt Senior Citizens' Office on 02871 953-758.

"Stay connected" is the theme of the Dementia Week taking place in Bocholt in September. (symbolic photo)