© Stadt Bocholt
The participants of the 3rd Bocholt Social Conference
© Stadt Bocholt
Interested parties were able to find out about offers of help at 14 exhibition stands
© Stadt Bocholt
Interested parties were able to find out about offers of help at 14 exhibition stands
© Stadt Bocholt
Interested parties were able to find out about offers of help at 14 exhibition stands3rd Bocholt Social Conference at the Bonhoeffer House
Social organisations and agencies exchange ideas // Exciting specialist presentations
The 3rd Bocholt Social Conference has now taken place in the Dietrich Bonhoeffer House of the Protestant parish. It was organised in a trade fair format - 14 social support organisations and agencies active in Bocholt set up stands with information material. The organisations were able to inform each other about their services, exchange contact details and develop joint ideas through discussion.
After the welcoming address in the Bonhoeffer House lecture theatre by Thomas Waschki, Head of Social Affairs, and Dominik Hanning, Head of Department, Nora Jehles from the Institute for Social Policy and Social Management in Cologne gave a talk on "Social exclusion as a challenge for local authorities".
She focussed in particular on the many facets of poverty. In addition to figures and data on SGB II benefits and material poverty, she also addressed "multiple deprivation": People living in poverty also experience disadvantage in a social, cultural and health context.
She emphasised the importance of access to people who are difficult to reach, whether out of shame or pride. Social organisations should constantly question themselves: "Are I reaching the right people with my services?" and "How can I make the services as low-threshold as possible?".
In the next item on the programme, Richard Förg from the Social Affairs Department of the City of Bocholt and the organisations responsible for neighbourhood development in Bocholt, Caritas, DRK and L-i-A, presented the current status of their work. While L-i-A and Caritas were able to report on many measures and projects in Hochfeld, Friedhofsviertel and the north-east of the city, Caritas is still at the very beginning. The political decision in May of this year entrusted the DRK with the task of neighbourhood work in the south-western part of the city.
Mass in the Bonhoeffer House
After a short lunch break, there was lively discussion at the stands, some of which had been elaborately prepared, in the specially cleared parish hall of the Bonhoeffer House. Representatives of the institutions and organisations Caritas, DRK, Protestant parish, Ewibo, FABI, social psychiatric service, Lebenshilfe, LiA, Jusina, SKF, SKM as well as the senior citizens' office and volunteer agency were present.
Ms Constanze Michel from Lebenshilfe said: "There are so many offers in Bocholt that it is important to get to know them." Ms Wildgrube-Dieckmann noted "that everyone is working towards the same goal, for the people, for the city. Mrs Heddier from the Social Psychiatric Service said: "In order to be able to provide people with local services at all, it is absolutely essential to know what is available".
At the end of the social conference, Dominik Hanning, Head of the Social Services Department, thanked the hostess Mrs Wildgrube-Dieckmann from Bonhoeffer-Haus in particular for providing the very suitable premises and the pleasant atmosphere. Mr Hanning was delighted with a very engaging and informative event and promised the next, fourth social conference for November 2022.

© Stadt Bocholt
The participants of the 3rd Bocholt Social Conference
© Stadt Bocholt
Interested parties were able to find out about offers of help at 14 exhibition stands
© Stadt Bocholt
Interested parties were able to find out about offers of help at 14 exhibition stands
© Stadt Bocholt
Interested parties were able to find out about offers of help at 14 exhibition stands