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17. August 2023Press office

Successful mobile phone collection campaign of the community foundation continues

The Bocholt Civic Foundation started a collection campaign of used and no longer used mobile phones, smartphones and tablets in Bocholt in October 2022.

The background to the campaign was that many mobile phones, smartphones and tablets are currently lying around unused in German drawers because they have either been replaced by newer models or are defective. But you can still do a lot of good with these used mobile phones! How? First and foremost, by reusing suitable devices or recycling the remaining mobile phones in a professional and environmentally friendly manner. In this way, the useful life of mobile phones and smartphones is extended or the devices are disposed of properly. This is the only way to preserve valuable resources such as precious metals or so-called "rare earths" and to contribute to the circular economy.

The community foundation has set up boxes at various collection points for the return of such unused smartphones and tablets. To date, around 500 old devices have either been reused or recycled in a dekra-certified process. The data was reliably deleted in advance by the provider, and there is proof of use for each individual device.

Since there are certainly still many unused smartphones and tablets lying dormant in drawers and new devices are constantly being added, the action of the community foundation is to continue permanently. The following collection points can be used at any time in the future for the return of such devices:

- Main branch of the Stadtsparkasse Bocholt, Neutorplatz 1

- Tourist-Info Bocholt, Nordstraße 14

In some cases, related devices such as cordless telephones or laptops ended up in the collection boxes. These devices could not be used directly during the campaign and were recycled at the recycling centre of the waste disposal and service company of the city of Bocholt (ESB). There, too, it is possible to hand in old mobile phones at any time - independently of the campaign of the Bocholt Civic Foundation.

We all have a responsibility towards our fellow human beings and our environment. Valuable resources - in the form of so-called "drawer mobile phones" - must not be forgotten, but can be returned to the cycle. For more environmental protection, conservation of resources and a better future.

Therefore, the community foundation would like to continue to bring these unused devices out of the drawers of the people of Bocholt and bring them back into the recycling process.

The cooperation partners of the Bocholt Civic Foundation for this collection campaign are Telekom Deutschland and Teqcycle. Both partners have jointly developed a secure process for taking back used mobile phones and smartphones. This take-back system for mobile phones etc. has been awarded the Blue Angel state eco-label. This confirms the importance of mobile phone take-back for environmental protection and sustainability.

After the discarded mobile phone, smartphone or tablet has gone through a DEKRA-monitored data erasure process, the device is given a second life or the raw materials are recycled. This monitoring certificate confirms special care and high standards in handling the data stored on the used devices. All data, apps, photos, etc. are reliably and certified deleted.

If the old device cannot be reused or repaired due to defects or its age, it is recycled professionally and environmentally friendly in Europe. This ensures that valuable raw materials are returned to the economic cycle and our natural resources are conserved.

We invite all citizens of Bocholt to join the community foundation in recycling mobile phones, smartphones and tablets that are no longer used and thus make an important contribution to sustainability.

Contact Bürgerstiftung:

Bürgerstiftung Bocholt, Marcus Suttmeyer Lützowstr. 5, 46397 Bocholt

Mail: vorstand(at)buergerstiftung-bocholt(dot)de

Further information on the community foundation at www.buergerstiftung-bocholt.de and www.facebook.com/buergerstiftung