"Leni" and "Felix" are right at the front
Bocholt registry office presents annual statistics for 2025: 1,089 children were born in Bocholt
In 2024, 1,089 children were born in Bocholt (compared to 2023: 1.117, 2022: 1.158, 2021: 1.121, 2020: 1.023, 2019: 1.036, 2018: 1.006). This is according to statistics from the Bocholt registry office.
Newborns and favourite names
Of the 1,089 newborns, 583 were male and 506 female. The most popular female first names are "Leni" (13 mentions), "Romy" (11) and "Emma" (8). They are followed by "Antonia", "Charlotte", "Ella", "Lotta", "Mia" and "Sophia" (7 each).
The most popular boy's name is "Felix" (14), followed by "Levi" (11), "Ben" and "Leo" (both 10). They are followed by classic names such as "Theo" (9), "Emil" and "Oskar" (8 each).
The trend is towards second names: 240 children were given a second name by their parents (167 in the previous year). The second name "Maria" is the most popular for girls and "Johann" for boys. 12 children were given a third name, and one child was given more than three first names.
In Bocholt, a total of 303 couples said "Yes" in 2024, a slight increase compared to the previous year (2023: 294, 2022: 324, 2021: 348, 2020: 323, 2019: 309). The most popular wedding venue remains the Historic Town Hall (273, 2023: 264, 2022: 291, 2021: 314), followed by the Heidefeld Estate (18 weddings, 2023: 26, 2022: 25, 2021: 27), the Hotel Residenz (10) and the Textile Museum (2).
A total of 1,128 people died in Bocholt in 2024 (2023: 1,149, 2022: 1,188 people, 2021: 1,024, 2020: 1,041, 2019: 974), of which 573 were men and 5555 women. 752 of these people belong to the registry office district of Bocholt.
Gender entry
17 people have made an entry in accordance with the "Gesetz über die Selbstbestimmung in Bezug auf den Geschlechtseintrag" (SBGG).