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 Bocholt Industrial Park is one of the largest contiguous industrial areas in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Bocholt Industrial Park is one of the largest contiguous industrial areas in North Rhine-Westphalia.
25. September 2024Planning and building

Bocholt is looking for catering concepts for the industrial park

Interested providers can submit concept proposals to the administration until 8 November

The city of Bocholt has now launched a process to create catering facilities in the industrial park. The aim is to improve catering for the employees working there. At the same time, a future catering concept must be compatible with the city's planning objectives and must not have a negative impact on catering in the city centre.

Over 7,000 employees

The Bocholt Industrial Park in the Mussum district is the city's largest industrial estate and is located in the south-west of Bocholt. With new extensions, it comprises around 360 hectares of industrial and commercial space. Around 380 companies with over 7,000 employees are located in the industrial park (more information at www.bocholt.de/industriepark ).

The continuous densification of the I-Park is also increasing the demand for on-site catering. Up to now, independent catering businesses have not been permitted in the industrial park under planning law in order to preserve space for production. Exceptions only apply to catering establishments that are directly connected to a production facility.

Deadline 8 November

Interested providers are now invited to submit their concepts for gastronomic offers on private areas in the industrial park to the administration by 8 November 2024. The city of Bocholt will evaluate the proposals according to criteria such as location, quality and job creation. Convincing concepts can be made possible through targeted changes to the construction plans.

Interested providers can find further information on the process and how to participate on the city's website at www.bocholt.de/buergerbeteiligung .

 Bocholt Industrial Park is one of the largest contiguous industrial areas in North Rhine-Westphalia.
Bocholt Industrial Park is one of the largest contiguous industrial areas in North Rhine-Westphalia.