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14. September 2023Music school

Trial dates at the Bocholt-Isselburg Music School

Book your personal appointment now // Start on 18 September

From 18 September, the Bocholt-Isselburg Music School will be offering several taster sessions at various locations. Children, young people and adults can get to know selected instruments that can be learned at the music school.

After booking an appointment in advance, selected instruments that can be learned at the music school will be presented on various days in Bocholt and Isselburg until the autumn holidays. The offer of free taster lessons is aimed at children, young people and also adults.

Dates and bookings at a glance

Interested parties can now book a 30-minute time slot per instrument for themselves or their child via the booking portal Eveeno.com. In a taster session, interested parties have the opportunity to try out their desired instrument with a maximum of one other "taster" person. The teachers of the respective subjects are available on site to answer questions.

Bookings can be made via this booking mask: https://eveeno.com/schnupperstunden

"We receive requests for taster lessons again and again, because many children or even adults are interested in learning an instrument, but are not sure which one it should be," explains music school director Claudia Borgers.

That is why there is the possibility to book free trial lessons until the autumn holidays, says Borgers." As the time units are limited, we ask for your understanding if the desired instrument is no longer or currently available.

In these cases, the trial lesson may already be fully booked or there may not be a place available for the instrument in the foreseeable future," says Borgers. But it is worthwhile to keep checking back, because if there is sufficient demand, there are plans to offer further taster sessions.