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24. February 2025

Integration Council

Intercultural " dementia kit" in Turkish language

The Culturally Sensitive Care Working Group, part of the Integration Council of the City of Bocholt, has developed a " dementia kit" in Turkish to provide support and practical assistance to family carers.

The case contains extensive information material on the subject of dementia and care, including information on care insurance benefits, the assessment by the medical service, power of attorney, as well as helpful tips and contacts in Bocholt. The case also contains activity materials that can be used together with people suffering from dementia. "The "dementia kit" is also intended to help promote understanding for people with dementia and their special needs in order to treat them with more empathy and patience", says First City Councillor Björn Volmering.

"With the dementia kit in Turkish, we want to reach people with an international family history who are caring for relatives at home," adds Bruno Wansing, Integration Officer for the city of Bocholt. "Family members often only become active when, for example, the situation at home comes to a head and they feel overwhelmed by the situation," says Antje Schlütter, care coordinator at the city of Bocholt, who is also a member of the working group for culturally sensitive care.

The idea of setting up an intercultural dementia kit was inspired by the existing dementia rucksack (in German). The dementia rucksack was developed by the city of Bocholt's senior citizens' advisory council and can be borrowed from the city library.

"The first generation of guest workers came to Germany with just a suitcase and are now at an age where they need help and support. That is why we have chosen a suitcase to house all the information and activity materials", says Memet Cinar, member of the Integration Council of the city of Bocholt.

The suitcase has already been presented to the Turkish cultural associations in Bocholt and has been very well received. "At the moment we only have one suitcase, but in the long term we want to make one suitcase available to each of the three Turkish/Muslim cultural associations, which will then remain in the associations and can be loaned to members if they are interested", explains Tülay Sahin.

Interested parties can now request the suitcase via the integration officer of the city of Bocholt, Bruno Wansing, Tel: 953-2264, Bruno.Wansing(at)bocholt(dot)de.

Dr Michael Adam, Memet Cinar, Antje Schlütter, Jan-Bernd Gathmann, Bruno Wansing, Tülay Sahin and Dimitrios Macheras (from left to right) from the working group on culturally sensitive care of the Integration Council of the City of Bocholt present the intercultural dementia kit in Turkish.