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17. April 2023Integration Council

Integration Award: Application deadline until the end of April

Solidarity is to be honoured // Special page on bocholt.de // Private individuals, schools, associations...

On the recommendation of the Integration Council, the Council decided in its meeting on 26 October 2022 to award an Integration Prize for the first time in 2023 and subsequently every two years. The Integration Award is endowed with 2,000 euros. Applications are still possible until 30 April.

Private individuals, clubs, associations, institutions, initiatives, schools, individual school classes, religious communities, citizens' initiatives, companies and legal entities that have shown outstanding commitment in Bocholt in standing up for diversity, working against discrimination, racism and disadvantage and/or promoting equal opportunities and social participation as well as integration of people with international family histories are still eligible to apply.

"I am very happy that the city council has agreed to our proposal to create an integration award," says Juan Lopez Casanava, chair of the integration council of the city of Bocholt.

Honouring people for their great commitment

"Every solidary commitment contributes to the cohesion of our society. It is great that we are now able to honour people for the first time who are committed to our community in such an outstanding way", says Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff. Kerkhoff is convinced that he is looking forward to the applications and proposals for the Integration Award, which "will again show us the entire range of support".

"This includes not only large projects of strong associations, but also the supposedly small initiatives of possibly individual persons. All are equally important to us and welcome to take part in the competition", says Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff.

Special page on the net

A special page has been set up on bocholt.de (link: www.bocholt.de/integrationspreis) where not only the award guidelines but also an online application form can be found.

After the closing date for applications, the jury, which consists of First Councillor Thomas Waschki and a delegated city councillor as well as three directly elected members of the Integration Council, meets and decides whether nominees or applicants will be invited to a personal presentation.

The jury may also decide to look at proposals and activities on site. The composition of the jury will be drawn by lot on 20 April at the next Integration Council meeting in accordance with the award guidelines.