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"Building bridges instead of walls": Syria activist and YouTuber Firas Alshater (third from right) appeared at three discussion events in Bocholt.
17. February 2025Integration Council

"Building bridges instead of walls"

360 pupils discuss democracy and commitment with Syria activist and YouTuber Firas Alshater

A special event took place at Lernwerk Bocholt under the motto "Building bridges instead of walls". Syrian activist and YouTuber Firas Alshater spoke about his escape from Syria, the fight for democracy and the importance of freedom. Divided into three sessions, he followed his moving talk with a total of over 360 pupils from three Bocholt schools and local stakeholders.

The event, organised by jusina e.V., the municipal integration management of the Borken district (KIM) and the city of Bocholt, was supported by "Aktion Mensch".

Moving insights into Firas' life

In his presentation, Firas Alshater talked about his youth in Syria, his escape and the dramatic experiences he had due to the conflicts and political repression in his home country. He talked about his first participation in a demonstration in 2011, when he felt the "crass adrenaline" and began to organise demonstrations himself. But resistance came at a price: "There were three options: Either you were safe, you were shot, or you were arrested - that was the worst." Alshater was arrested.

In the nine months he spent in prison, he experienced the brutal side of the Syrian regime. "I was in solitary confinement with no light, always having to listen to others being tortured and wondering when it would be my turn." He recounted his experiences of torture, his time in prison and how he was able to return to his devastated homeland for the first time after the fall of Bashar al-Assad's regime: "It was incredible to go back to Syria. I wanted to see that the bad places were empty and that people would never be tortured or killed there again."

The privilege of freedom

The Syrian emphasised that living in a democracy is a "valuable, but also endangered" achievement. "Democracy and freedom in Syria are 50 years behind what we have here in Germany. Syria has paid a lot for freedom", he explained. Young people in particular are called upon to protect democracy: "Vote the right way, make sure you vote for those who protect democracy."

He concluded by humorously expressing that the responsibility for protecting democracy lies with society: "I don't know what Leitkultur is, but I do know that we have to talk to each other."

Sebastian Schröer from jusina e.V. had previously welcomed the guest speaker on behalf of the audience: "I saw his YouTube videos and was immediately impressed. It is a great pleasure for all of us that you have travelled via Damascus and Berlin to tranquil Bocholt."

"There is much more that connects us"

Ruth Sonntag, headmistress of Mariengymnasium, from which over 80 students accepted the invitation, expressed her concern about social polarisation: "I can hardly stand watching the news. There are extreme opinions and I have the feeling that we are forgetting what unites us. There are many shades of grey between black and white and a lot of colour. I want to bring a lot of colour into the world." Sonntag emphasised the importance of respect and tolerance, which are essential for a functioning coexistence.

Panel discussion - Voluntary commitment to democracy

Following Alshater's moving words, a panel discussion took place in which the students Maria Gevers, Felix Hund, Frederic Puhe, Kathrin Rohleder, Juan Lopez Casanava and Bahar Shahab spoke about their commitment to democracy under the moderation of Sandra Schulz-Kügler. "Political discourse must become more tolerant again", explained Frederik Puhe, while Maria Gevers emphasised: "Democracy is not just about voting, but also about standing up for democracy, between the lines."

Bahar Shahab, who works as a language mediator, encouraged those present to get involved as volunteers: "It feels good to help others and it is a valuable experience." Juan Lopez Casanava, Chairman of the Integration Council of the City of Bocholt, also contributed his perspective: "It is important that we become active in associations and organisations in order to get to know other cultures as well."

Appeal to responsibility

"It is a personal decision to get involved", explained Felix Hund. "There are many ways to get involved. But it also requires courage, especially if you are operating in a politically volatile environment."

Firas Alshater rounded off the discussion with an appeal: "Not everyone has the chance to get involved, but it is our job to support those who are discriminated against and fight for their rights."

"Building bridges instead of walls": Syria activist and YouTuber Firas Alshater (third from right) appeared at three discussion events in Bocholt.