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 Kitchen fire Lothringer Straße
Kitchen fire Lothringer Straße
05. September 2024Fire brigade

FW Bocholt: Kitchen fire

Bocholt (ots) -

The fire and rescue services of the city of Bocholt were alerted to a kitchen fire in Lothringer Straße at 12.35 pm today.

There was a fire in the kitchen. All residents had already left the building and were uninjured.
The fire was extinguished by a fire brigade team, protected by breathing apparatus, and the building was cleared of smoke with the help of a high-performance electric fan.

The fire and rescue services were on site with a total of four vehicles and twelve firefighters.

Please send enquiries to:

Bocholt fire brigade
Martin Bühs
Telephone: 02871 2103-0
Fax: 02871 2103-555
E-mail: martin.buehs(at)bocholt(dot)de

Original content by: Bocholt Fire Brigade, transmitted by news aktuell
 Kitchen fire Lothringer Straße
Kitchen fire Lothringer Straße