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20. November 2022Fire brigade

FW Bocholt: Fire of a stable building

FW Bocholt (ots) -

The Bocholt fire brigade was called at 7:42 on Sunday morning to a burning stable building of the Bocholt-Barlo riding and driving club on Winterswijker Straße in the district of Stenern.
Due to the situation described by the caller, the volunteer fire brigade was also alerted in parallel to the full-time fire brigade.
When the first fire brigade arrived on the scene, the stable building, which measured approx. 15 x 30 metres, was in full fire. Several horses were still in the building. Therefore, the first firefighters immediately started to rescue the animals under breathing protection. The emergency services were supported by the members of the association who were present. In order to reach the animals, parts of the walls were torn down with front loaders. A total of 7 horses could be rescued and were treated at the scene by the veterinarians alerted by the fire brigade. Two horses could not be saved and died in the stable building.
At the same time, fire-fighting was carried out by additional troops under breathing protection with several jet pipes. The Bocholt fire brigade was supported by a fire engine from the Rhede fire brigade. During the operation, a water supply was set up over a distance of several hundred metres. The Aalten fire brigade also assisted with its large tanker, which brought 15,000 litres of water to the scene. Winterswijker Straße was temporarily completely closed due to the need for water supply, as ice had formed on the road due to the water being drawn off. Therefore, a gritting vehicle of the ESB was requested.
During the extinguishing work, the stable building finally collapsed.
During the operation, the members of the association and a policewoman with circulatory problems were cared for by the rescue service of the city of Bocholt. The rescue service transported one person to hospital.
The Suderwick fire brigade provided basic protection in the city area from the fire and rescue station on Dingdener Straße.
All in all, the fire brigade and the rescue service were in action for several hours with about 80 emergency personnel and 17 vehicles.
Any queries can be directed to the head of operations, Thomas Deckers, on 02871/2103-0.

Please send any queries to:

Bocholt Fire Brigade
Michael Burhoff
Telephone: 02871 2103-0
Fax: 02871 2103-555
E-mail: michael.burhoff(at)bocholt(dot)de

Original-Content from: Bocholt Fire Brigade, transmitted by news aktuell