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 The rescue service of the city of Bocholt was called out on 159 occasions during the fair. Of these, 48 were related to the immediate vicinity of the fair.
The rescue service of the city of Bocholt was called out on 159 occasions during the fair. Of these, 48 were related to the immediate vicinity of the fair.
17. October 2023Fire brigade

FW Bocholt: Fire brigade's Kirmes balance sheet

FW Bocholt (ots) -

As expected, there was an increased number of operations for the fire brigade and the rescue service of the city of Bocholt during the Bocholt funfair last weekend. Compared to the previous year, however, it was calmer. In total, the fire brigade (15) and rescue service (159) were called out 174 times.

Of these, four call-outs by the fire brigade and 48 call-outs by the ambulance service were related to the Bocholt funfair. On the fairgrounds, the rescue service operations were largely handled by the ambulance service run by the DRK Bocholt.
During the days of the fair, the full-time emergency services were supported by a vehicle of the volunteer fire brigade, which was permanently manned at the fire and rescue station. The regular ambulance service was also reinforced in the preliminary planning stage by two additional ambulances, manned by the fire brigade, the Malteser Hilfsdienst (MHD) and the Arbeiter-Samariter-Bund (ASB).

For further information please contact:

Bocholt Fire Brigade
Head of the fire brigade
Thomas Deckers
Telephone: 02871 2103-0
Fax: 02871 2103-555
E-mail: thomas.deckers(at)bocholt(dot)de

Original-Content from: Bocholt Fire Brigade, transmitted by news aktuell
 The rescue service of the city of Bocholt was called out on 159 occasions during the fair. Of these, 48 were related to the immediate vicinity of the fair.
The rescue service of the city of Bocholt was called out on 159 occasions during the fair. Of these, 48 were related to the immediate vicinity of the fair.