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03. May 2022Europe/International

Upcycling meets street art

Participants wanted for German-Dutch youth meeting in Bocholt on 27 May

Making your own new looks from old clothes using manhole covers and getting to know people at the same time: that's the promise of a German-Netherlands youth encounter taking place in Bocholt on May 27. Young people between the ages of 12 and 16 can register for it.

"You have boring t-shirts in your closet that you don't wear anymore? You want to meet young people from the neighboring Netherlands and are between 12 and 16 years old? Then join us on Friday, May 27, 2022, 2 p.m., at the LWL-TextilWerk Bocholt. We're giving old clothes a cool new look, and we're doing it open air!" the organizers say.

Under the motto "Our Europe - Upcycling - A chance for our future!?" the participants will experiment with manhole covers and turn them into luminous stamps.

Useless waste products and materials!?

Upcycling (reuse and recycling) involves turning discarded waste products and even seemingly useless materials into new products. The city of Bocholt and the LWL-TextilWerk Bocholt create a cross-border format for this idea with the youth project. Participation is free. Registration is possible with the partnership officer of the city of Bocholt, Petra Taubach, by e-mail petra.taubach(at)bocholt(dot)de until May 20, 2022.

Gully covers everywhere on the streets

There are manhole covers everywhere on the streets, which are usually not given a glance. This afternoon, young people will discover that manhole covers are very different. At the same time, they reveal something about the history of the city of Bocholt, which is 800 years old this year. Motto: Upcycling meets street art!

"Your own design"

On Friday afternoon, the participants will start in the Skylounge of the LWL-TextilWerk Bocholt. After getting to know each other for the first time - accompanied by a snack - they will explore the city. Everywhere, grids and structures that one would otherwise not even notice can be discovered for unusual print motifs. In this way, they create their own design that no one else has. After the tour, the group meets for a joint final dinner.

Support from the EUREGIO

The project "Our Europe - Upcycling - A Chance for our Future!?" is supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the INTERREG Germany-Netherlands program.