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 Die Gruppe aus Akmene (Litauen) bildet das Wort \
Die Gruppe aus Akmene (Litauen) bildet das Wort "Come" (englisch für komm) für die Teilnahme am Jugendcamp 2020, das nun mit dem "Förderpreis für interkulturellen Dialog" ausgezeichnet wurde.
27. May 2022Europe/International

"Olympic Games" in Bocholt

Young people aged 14 to 17 can register for the European Youth Camp from July 10 to 16.

After a two-year break from Corona, the European Youth Camp will take place this year from July 10-16. Young people between the ages of 14 and 17 can participate. The youth camp will take place in the Europa-Haus Bocholt under the motto "Come together: Olympia in the European town of Bocholt". Cooperation partners this year are the Europe-direct Bocholt the friendly and twin towns of Bocholt and the "Stichting Aover de gäöt" (Netherlands).

Young people from Rossendale (Great Britain), Akmene (Lithuania), Vlora (Albania), Bocholt (Belgium) and the Netherlands are taking part in the European Youth Camp. They will be accommodated in the Europa-Haus Bocholt. Anyone who wants to meet new people from different countries and who speaks English is welcome to participate. The own contribution for accommodation, food and program amounts to 50 euros. Interested young people from Bocholt can register until June 27, 2022 with the partnership representative of the city of Bocholt, Petra Taubach, under Tel. 02871 953-258 or by e-mail petra.taubach(at)bocholt(dot)de.

The program

The participants will deal with the different country-typical kinds of sport. They can learn these thereby not only theoretically, but also practically. Each nation will have the task to present a sport typical for its country. At the end of the competitions there will be a public award ceremony for the best team. A program highlight during this week is the excursion to the Olympic Museum in Cologne. Free time will not be neglected at the camp: participants will have the opportunity to explore the city, go to the climbing park and play board games.

Olympic Games

Pierre de Coubertin gave the Olympic Games the motto "All sports, all nations" when they were relaunched. It was important to him that the Games contribute to international understanding and promote tolerance among nations. The symbol of the Olympic Games is therefore five interconnected rings, symbolizing the five continents. The city of Bocholt has no partner cities on all five continents and would therefore like to implement this central idea with at least five European nations.

Cooperation partner

The youth camp is supported by the friendly and partner cities of the city of Bocholt, the Europe Direct Bocholt, the Netherlands and the program "Erasmus + - Youth in Action". Originally, the youth camp with this theme should already take place in 2020. However, due to the Corona pandemic, it could not be held in presence.

 Die Gruppe aus Akmene (Litauen) bildet das Wort \
Die Gruppe aus Akmene (Litauen) bildet das Wort "Come" (englisch für komm) für die Teilnahme am Jugendcamp 2020, das nun mit dem "Förderpreis für interkulturellen Dialog" ausgezeichnet wurde.