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 Aerial view of the city of Verkhniodniprovsk (Ukraine), with which Bocholt maintains a solidarity partnership. Representatives are now coming to Bocholt for the first time.
Aerial view of the city of Verkhniodniprovsk (Ukraine), with which Bocholt maintains a solidarity partnership. Representatives are now coming to Bocholt for the first time.
04. June 2024Europe/International

Guests from the Ukrainian city of Verkhniodniprovsk visit Bocholt for the first time

From 10-14 June as part of a professional exchange with the city of Bocholt

From 10 to 14 June 2024, representatives from the Ukrainian city of Verkhniodniprovsk are expected in Bocholt for the first time as part of a professional exchange with the city of Bocholt. The two cities concluded a solidarity partnership in October 2023. The delegation can expect a varied programme to get to know the European city of Bocholt and its numerous facilities.


The exchange begins on Monday, 10 June, with a welcome at the Europa-Haus and a tour of the city. Another item on the programme is the network meeting with local associations, companies and organisations on Thursday, 13 June at 7 p.m. in the Heimathaus Mussum. Among others, the working group "Bocholt helps Verkhniodniprovsk" will be represented. This group is committed to supporting and building relationships between the two cities. The meeting provides a platform for the exchange of experiences and ideas. Other interested citizens are cordially invited to this German-Ukrainian exchange. Sonja Wießmeier from the city of Bocholt accepts registrations via email at sonja.wiessmeier(at)bocholt(dot)de.

Visits to the fire brigade, the fire and rescue academy and the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences at the Bocholt campus are also planned, as well as visits to the learning centre and the city library.

Bocholt donates lorry

The highlight is the handover of a 7.5-tonne lorry with relief supplies to Verkhniodniprovsk. The lorry will be used for transport in the Ukraine.


The exchange of expertise is funded by the Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW). Both cities hope that the meeting will lead to valuable encounters and discussions to further strengthen relations.

 Aerial view of the city of Verkhniodniprovsk (Ukraine), with which Bocholt maintains a solidarity partnership. Representatives are now coming to Bocholt for the first time.
Aerial view of the city of Verkhniodniprovsk (Ukraine), with which Bocholt maintains a solidarity partnership. Representatives are now coming to Bocholt for the first time.