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07. June 2023Europe/International

Cross-border youth exchange with climbing on the "SonsBerg" mountain

Offer for a Juleica refresher course and other interested persons // Friday, 30 June 2023 // Climbing facility SonsBerg

The German-French Society Bocholt e.V. offers a cross-border refresher course for holders of the Juleica (Youth Leader Card). On the topic: "Introduction to experiential education as a versatile method of youth work and youth welfare", interested people from Germany and the Netherlands will have the opportunity to prove their team spirit in the "SonsBerg" climbing facility in Sonsbeck for a whole day on Friday, 30 June 2023.

In addition to the German-French Society of Bocholt, the foundation "Aover de gäöt" from the neighbouring Dutch municipality of Oude IJsselstreek is a partner. The cities of Bocholt and Emmerich are also taking part. Juleica card holders and other interested persons can make a binding registration with the City of Bocholt's European Affairs Officer, Petra Taubach, at the following e-mail address: petra.taubach(at)bocholt(dot)de. The course costs 20 euros per person. The course costs 20 euros per person. The number of places is limited.

Versatile methods for youth work

The refresher course is designed as a cross-border youth encounter and will be led by Willi Kisters. He will introduce the participants to team spirit and experiential education activities in eight course hours. In addition to getting to know experiential education (EP) as a versatile method in youth work and youth welfare, he teaches the participants the effective factors of experiential education using climbing as an example.

Legal aspects and accident prevention

Of course, the legal aspects and possibilities for accident prevention are also covered on this day. Equipped with many ideas and suggestions on how to design experiential and play-based educational activities for children and young people, the participants receive a certificate of participation for their Juleica card at the end of the course. For everyone else, it was hopefully a great day of cross-border cooperation.

Support from EUREGIO

This cross-border youth encounter with the first cross-border Juleica refresher course is supported by the INTERREG programme Germany-Nederland with funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).