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 Reception of a group of visitors from the Belgian twin town of Bocholt for the Bocholt Autumn Fair on 14 October 2023
Reception of a group of visitors from the Belgian twin town of Bocholt for the Bocholt Autumn Fair on 14 October 2023
18. October 2023Europe/International

Bocholt funfair opening with guests from the Belgian twin town

Enthusiasm at the big event // Return visit already planned

Mayor Stijn van Baelen from Belgian Bocholt attended the official opening of the Bocholt funfair this year together with his wife Pramilla. At the Ferris wheel, he watched with other invited guests as Mayor Thomas Kerkhoff tapped the traditional barrel in three strokes.

Later, the Belgian mayor himself got in on the act. He also tapped a keg for the guests and brought his own beer from his home town to taste. The Belgian twin town of Bocholt is home to the second largest brewery in Belgium. Stijn van Baelen was pleased to be in the German twin town for this special occasion. He expressed his thanks by saying: "It was a super nice evening at the Bocholt funfair!".

The Belgian group of visitors with almost 50 people was welcomed by Deputy Mayor Gudrun Koppers in the museum restaurant "Schiffchen". She welcomed the guests and emphasised that town twinning "thrives on shared experience".

A return visit is already planned

Finally, the deputy mayor wished the guests a pleasant stay in Bocholt and recommended a tub of popcorn for the way back. A reunion in the near future is certain: after the visit to the fair, the project choir "Town Twinning" Bocholt will be on its way to Belgisch-Bocholt at the end of October. Together with the Bocanto choir there, there will be a big concert in the Reppel church on 29 October. "I will also be there as a singer," says Gudrun Koppers.

 Reception of a group of visitors from the Belgian twin town of Bocholt for the Bocholt Autumn Fair on 14 October 2023
Reception of a group of visitors from the Belgian twin town of Bocholt for the Bocholt Autumn Fair on 14 October 2023