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 Die Stadt Bocholt beteiligt sich an den Münsterländer Picknicktagen
Die Stadt Bocholt beteiligt sich an den Münsterländer Picknicktagen
03. June 2022Europe/International

A British Picnic for Bocholt

Bocholt participates in the Münsterland Picnic Days with a "Brit-Pic" on June 19

On Sunday, June 19, it will be British in Bocholt! The city marketing Bocholt, the city of Bocholt and the German-British Society Bocholt invite you to the "Brit-Pic", a British picnic. On the kubaai grounds at the LWL-TextilWerk, the picnic blankets will be well stocked with numerous delicacies for high tea on this day from 5 p.m.: From sandwiches to pies to British tea and short bread, there should be no shortage of anything.

Especially for this occasion the museum restaurant "Schiffchen" prepares a packed lunch. The voucher for the packed lunch is available for 9 euros at the Tourist Information Bocholt.

"Very British" at the "Brit Pic

Queen Elizabeth II celebrates her 70th anniversary on the throne this year. At the same time, the city of Bocholt is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the German-British town twinning with the English twin town of Rossendale. Reason enough for the organizers to celebrate the Münsterland Picnic Days in Bocholt in a British way. A special eye-catcher will therefore be the costumes of some guests. Great hats, beautiful dresses and chic picnic baskets, arranged on a green lawn with shady trees, conjure up the perfect British flair on the kubaai grounds. Anyone and everyone is invited to come "very british" to this "Brit Pic".

Entertainment with Butler George and Lizzy's Cocktail

Entertainer and welcome manager Butler George will provide good humor with his humorous stand up comedy interludes. Not to forget the musical accompaniment at the event: Lizzy's Cocktail is a folk band from Rees, well known in the Lower Rhine area. Besides Irish sounds, you can expect some pieces from Scandinavia and other original compositions.

About the Münsterland Picnic Days

Under the motto "I. You. We. Münsterland celebrates picnic!", picnic enthusiasts from Bocholt and the surrounding area are invited to celebrate the Münsterland lifestyle together at a German-British picnic. The Münsterland Picnic Days take place annually around June 18, International Picnic Day, throughout Münsterland - in the city and in the countryside. With over 40 events, the regional players offer an impressive program for relaxing time out on the blanket on all four days. The initiator is Münsterland e.V.

 Die Stadt Bocholt beteiligt sich an den Münsterländer Picknicktagen
Die Stadt Bocholt beteiligt sich an den Münsterländer Picknicktagen