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 Referentin Ilka Kuper zeigt Frauen, wie man sicher und souverän in der Arbeitswelt auftritt.
Referentin Ilka Kuper zeigt Frauen, wie man sicher und souverän in der Arbeitswelt auftritt.
27. March 2022Equality

Online seminar for women: Sovereignty and confident appearance in the working world

Thursday, April 7, 2022, 7 p.m. // Register now

Even today, women have a much harder time climbing the career ladder than men - despite all the quotas and support measures in companies. How to appear confident and secure in the working world will be shown in an online seminar for women on Thursday, April 7, 2022, starting at 7 pm. Speaker is Sozialpdagogin and family therapist Ilka Kuper.

The event is part of the district-wide series "Frau + Beruf" and is recommended by Bocholt's Equal Opportunities Officer Astrid Schupp. The number of places is limited. Registrations by e-mail in the equalization office of the city Gronau under gleichstellung(at)gronau(dot)de.

The same qualities and abilities are still judged more negatively by the outside world in women than in men. He is ambitious and she is dogged, he is a tough lone fighter, she is a bitch... Another reason: professional success is based only to a small percentage on qualification and competence. Image, a confident appearance and a broad network are much more important. Here, too, men tend to score higher than women. Why? Women are more prone to mental self-sabotage, false modesty or inappropriate comparisons with others, according to the organizers. They experience envy and competition in their environment or take too little time for good self-marketing.

The workshop helps women to recognize their own stumbling blocks and to identify strategies to become more successful. Practical tips and exercises are presented and tried out, which can be used to find the personal key to professional success.

 Referentin Ilka Kuper zeigt Frauen, wie man sicher und souverän in der Arbeitswelt auftritt.
Referentin Ilka Kuper zeigt Frauen, wie man sicher und souverän in der Arbeitswelt auftritt.