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The speaker on "Out of the comfort zone" on 27 March
08. March 2023Equality

Online seminar for women: Get out of the comfort zone... and recognise new opportunities

Tuesday, 28 March, at 7:00 p.m. // Discovering opportunities // Participation free of charge // Registration open now

The event will take a look at one's own comfort zone and examine what can be done to leave this comfort zone and face new challenges in the professional or private sphere. Registration is now possible by email to gleichstellung(at)bocholt(dot)de.

My comfort zone - what does that mean?

The respective comfort zone signals

  • Security
  • Habit
  • a familiar area of life.

Leaving this comfort zone means having courage and overcoming one's own insecurities. But breaking out of the comfort zone can also lead to becoming more self-confident and free and to overcoming restrictive habits. You will be amazed at the great opportunities that await you outside your comfort zone!

Bocholt's Equal Opportunities Officer Astrid Schupp cordially invites all interested women . The event takes place as part of the series "Frau&Beruf" (Women & Work) of the municipal equal opportunities commissioners in the district of Borken.

Please register by e-mail at the Equal Opportunities Office of the City of Bocholt at gleichstellung(at)bocholt(dot)de.

Speaker: Anja Schröer, business graduate, trainer, consultant, coach

 The speaker on \
The speaker on "Out of the comfort zone" on 27 March