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 Photovoltaik oder Solarthermie liefern Strom oder Heizwärme aus Sonnenenergie
Photovoltaik oder Solarthermie liefern Strom oder Heizwärme aus Sonnenenergie
06. October 2022Environmental Department

Solar consulting at an economy price

Municipality promotes counseling for citizens residing in Bocholt // Online and on-site appointments - book now

Electricity and heat from the sun, renewable energy from one's own roof, that is more interesting than ever for many citizens these days. In cooperation with the Climate Agency Rhine-Ruhr, the city of Bocholt offers a solar consultation for interested citizens. There are still remaining appointments available.

Individual consultation

Since spring, the city of Bocholt, in cooperation with the Rhine-Ruhr Climate Agency, has been offering solar power consultations for interested homeowners. The consultations are individually and concretely tailored. They include amortization calculations ("When does it start paying off?") based on the wishes of the homeowners, as well as a written report on the results of the respective analysis. Topics include - depending on requirements - the combination of solar power systems with heating systems, a heat pump or a wallbox, as well as the realization of a solar power system in combination with roof greening.

City of Bocholt supports with 50% cost absorption

In addition, the question is clarified whether in the individual case the self-use of the self-produced solar power or the complete feed into the grid is more advantageous.

The city of Bocholt supports the consultations by covering half of the costs. The new service offer meets, as the experiences show, the nerve of the time, reports the environmental department. The individual in each case 45-minute consultation to the most meaningful kind of the solar energy use at the own real estate can take place both on-line and locally with the customer. The own contribution amounts to with on-line consultation 80 euro, with a consultation locally 138 euro. Up-to-date still for approx. 15 households the possibility exists of taking up this promoted offer.


Interested persons with domicile Bocholt can announce themselves directly with the climatic agency Rhine Ruhr. Contact Annika Lipke can be reached by phone on 02041 77394-14 or by e-mail at lipke(at)klimaagentur-rr(dot)de.

 Photovoltaik oder Solarthermie liefern Strom oder Heizwärme aus Sonnenenergie
Photovoltaik oder Solarthermie liefern Strom oder Heizwärme aus Sonnenenergie