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 Photovoltaik oder Solarthermie liefern Strom oder Heizwärme aus Sonnenenergie
Photovoltaik oder Solarthermie liefern Strom oder Heizwärme aus Sonnenenergie
02. June 2022Environmental Department

Solar consultation for the half price - city Bocholt calls new consulting offer into being

Supporting citizens with competent advice // Online and on-site appointments

Electricity and heat from the sun, renewable energy from your own roof, that's what the new Bocholt advisory service is all about. In cooperation with the Rhine-Ruhr Climate Agency, the city of Bocholt is now offering solar advice for interested citizens.

The demand for renewable energies is higher than ever. Putin's war of aggression on Ukraine, rising energy prices and the ever-advancing climate change are making many people rethink. According to a survey by the Forsa Institute, 75 percent of Germans want to buy solar energy in the future. For these reasons, the city of Bocholt, in cooperation with the Rhine-Ruhr Climate Agency, is now offering SOLAR advice for interested citizens.

The city of Bocholt promotes the consultation by covering half of the costs. "More and more households want to become as independent as possible in their energy supply," says Daniel Zöhler, municipal building officer of the city of Bocholt. He continues, "This is where we as a city administration see ourselves as having a responsibility to support citizens with independent and competent advice."

Angela Theurich, environmental officer for the city of Bocholt explains, "This offer is explicitly only for citizens of Bocholt, i.e. for people who have their first residence in Bocholt. Upon request, they will be informed individually and in detail about the most sensitive and lucrative solutions for them."

In 45-minute individual consulting discussions the climate agency Rhine Ruhr advises among other things to SOLAR STROM = photovoltaic and SOLAR HEAT = solar thermal, as well as to a combination of solar energy with heating systems, heating heat pumps, and Wall boxes for E-vehicles. Information on the SOLAR green roof is also given and the question is clarified as to whether, in individual cases, it is more advantageous to use the self-produced solar power yourself or to feed it completely into the power grid.

During the SOLAR consultation, the suitability of the house and property as well as individual electricity consumption are also considered. Afterwards the climate agency records all information in an individual comprehensive report, in which also promotion possibilities are noted.

Consultations by video conference

Thanks to the uncomplicated new online service in the form of "Zoom" meetings, citizens can receive advice from the comfort of their own homes. This also makes it easier to find appointments. In exceptional cases, on-site appointments are possible, which include the same service.

An online appointment for citizens costs 80 euros, for an on-site consultation there is a personal contribution of 138 euros due to the higher expense costs. Appointments for the individual BOCHOLTER SOLAR CONSULTATION please arrange directly with the climate agency. Contact Annika Lipke is under Tel. 02041 77394-14 or E-Mail: lipke(at)klimaagentur-rr(dot)de to reach.

 Photovoltaik oder Solarthermie liefern Strom oder Heizwärme aus Sonnenenergie
Photovoltaik oder Solarthermie liefern Strom oder Heizwärme aus Sonnenenergie