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 The cover page of the new VHS programme
The cover page of the new VHS programme
30. June 2023Education and culture

New VHS programme appears on 10 August

Advance notice of the new programme // Registrations open from 14 August

The new programme booklet of the Adult Education Centre Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg for the second academic semester 2023 will be published in August. Some events will already take place before the official start of the programme.

The second study semester 2023 of the Adult Education Centre Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg starts on 28 August 2023. The new programme booklet for the study semester 2023/2 will be published on Thursday, 10 August 2023 as an insert in the Bocholter-Borkener-Volksblatt and online on the VHS homepage.

It is also available at the VHS office in Bocholt (Weiterbildungszentrum, Stenerner Weg 14a, 46397 Bocholt), at the branches in Rhede (Stadtverwaltung, Rathausplatz 9, 46414 Rhede) and Isselburg (Stadtverwaltung, Hüttenstr. 33-35, 46419 Isselburg) as well as at numerous other public places (e.g. Stadtbibliothek Bocholt).

Online registration

Contactless online registrations will be possible from Monday, 14 August 2023 at www.vhs-bocholt.de. Personal registrations will also be accepted at the VHS office in Bocholt and the branches in Rhede and Isselburg from this date.

Some events can already be booked now: On 27 July, the course "Tagesrefresher Niederländisch intensiv" will take place and from 21 to 25 August, the compact week "Niederländisch intensiv - Niveau A1.1". Other language courses in Spanish are the "Spanish weekend for advanced learners" (B2 level) from 4 to 6 August and "Spanish intensive" as a weekend course in a small group for participants with previous knowledge from 18 to 20 August.

In the health sector, water gymnastics courses are offered as introductory courses. The Adult Education Centre also offers free language consultations for German and foreign language courses on 22 and 24 August; registrations are open from 14 August.

Further offers and news can be found on the homepage www.vhs-bocholt.de.

 The cover page of the new VHS programme
The cover page of the new VHS programme