Lecture on the potential of heat pumps
Information event on the private energy transition // On 8 October from 7 p.m. at the Bocholt Media Centre
The Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg Adult Education Centre (VHS) is hosting a lecture entitled "Heat pump/heat turnaround - Why act NOW and not wait and see?" on Tuesday, 8 October at the Bocholt Media Centre. On this evening, the speaker Michael Birkhan will cover all topics relating to the current complex of issues. The event starts at 7 pm.
In Northern Europe, heat pumps have been used on a large scale in existing buildings for years. Why shouldn't this work in "warm" Germany? Topics covered in the presentation include heat pump variants, costs, installation in existing buildings, subsidies and a profitability calculation. There will also be many important tips on planning and implementation. Why photovoltaic systems, storage systems, heat pumps and electric cars are a real dream team will also be explained.
The lecturer Michael Birkhan already has 30 years of experience as a user in the field of heat pumps and himself operates a particularly climate-friendly air-to-water heat pump in a partially renovated old building.
The participation fee is 6 euros (reduced rate 5 euros). It is advisable to register in advance at www.vhs-bocholt.de in order to reserve a place. Remaining places will be allocated at the box office in the Bocholt Media Centre, Hindenburgstraße 5.