© Peter Zweil
First aid for four-legged friends
© Britta Günther
Lecturer Britta Günther not only teaches theory, but also a lot of practiceFirst aid seminar for dog lovers
"all-round package" for emergencies // Theory and practice
The adult education centre (VHS) is offering a seminar "First Aid for Dogs" on Saturday, 15 March from 2 to 5 p.m. Lecturer Britta Günther will not only teach theory, but also plenty of practice. The venue is the LernWerk Bocholt, Industriestr. 1. Further information and registration via the Internet or at the VHS office in the LernWerk.
The small "all-round package" helps to keep calm and act calmly in an emergency. How do I recognise an emergency and classify it correctly, for example in the event of poisoning, ingestion of foreign bodies, heatstroke, insect bite or shock after an accident? What should I do if the dog is bleeding heavily or has injured its eye? How should the dog be stored correctly and what needs to be considered during transport to the vet?
These questions are clarified, underpinned by practical exercises. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation is explained and practised on a dog dummy. The course can be certified as recognised training for breeders or boarding kennels to fulfil the general training requirement.
The participation fee is 44 euros including material costs.