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 Filled to the brim with 430 courses and events: The new programme booklet of the Adult Education Centre Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg for the academic semester 2023/2024.
Filled to the brim with 430 courses and events: The new programme booklet of the Adult Education Centre Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg for the academic semester 2023/2024.
03. August 2023Education and culture

Continuing education: New VHS programme with 430 courses and events

Published as of Thursday, 10 August, in booklet format and online // Registrations open as of 14 August

On Thursday, 10 August 2023, the new programme booklet of the Adult Education Centre Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg for the second academic semester 2023 will be published. It is full to the brim and offers citizens who would like to further their education or training a huge selection of 430 courses and events. as an insert in the Bocholter-Borkener-Volksblatt and online on the VHS homepage.

The programme booklet is published as a supplement to the daily newspaper BBV. It is also available at the VHS office in Bocholt (Weiterbildungszentrum am Stenerner Weg 14a), at the branches in Rhede (Stadtverwaltung, Rathausplatz 9) and Isselburg (Stadtverwaltung, Hüttenstraße 33-35) as well as at other public places (e.g. Stadtbibliothek Bocholt).

All offers are available online on the VHS website at www.vhs-bocholt.de.

Registrations are possible either in the offices or alternatively online from Monday, 14 August.

With 430 events in Bocholt, Rhede, Isselburg, online and at external teaching locations, the VHS offers a diverse and wide-ranging continuing education programme for various interests and needs in the second half of 2023.

Official opening of the semester on 8 September at the comprehensive school

The semester opening will take place on Friday, 8 September, from 7:30 pm in the auditorium of the Bocholt Municipal Comprehensive School. In cooperation with JUNGE UNI in Bocholt, FaBi Bocholt and Stadtsparkasse Bocholt, the VHS invites you to a short trip through Germany. Under the title "Deutschlands letzte WIldnis - Die Rückkehr der Natur?" (Germany's Last Wilderness - The Return of Nature?), animal photographer and book author Sven Meurs will portray the native animal world "in its last wild habitats" with expert knowledge, enthusiasm and a portion of humour.

The opening of the semester is also the kick-off for this year's special month of "Education for Sustainable Development" (ESD). Further ESD highlights as a cooperation series of the VHS, JUNGE UNI in Bocholt and Bocholt City Library, sponsored by the Stadtsparkasse Bocholt, will make September diverse under the motto "We are colourful!". On 20 September, as part of the series and on the occasion of World Children's Day, the documentary film "On the Way to School" will be shown, to which the cooperation partners and the Kinodrom invite families, schools and interested citizens.

Together with the Volunteer Agency, the Adult Education Centre offers the lectures "What Mohammed learned from the Christians", "Lucky devils and poisonous dwarfs - about ways and wrong ways to a successful life (according to Erich Fromm)" and "Artificial Intelligence - Chat GPT and more". They are especially aimed at people from Bocholt who are involved in voluntary work.

In the area of regional studies, "Australia - A Year of Freedom" is again a top-class event on the programme when Dirk Bleyer makes a guest appearance in Bocholt on his tour of Germany. Advance ticket sales for this event organised in cooperation with VHS, BBV-Mediengruppe and Stadtsparkasse Bocholt start on 14 August.

The lecture "Calabria and Apulia - Italy's Unknown South", which Reinhard Thieringer from Münster will accompany with professional photos, is aimed at Italy fans.

In the field of psychology , the whole of November is a highlight month, especially with the lecture "The power of sabbatical" with Stephan Kamps and the workshop "Stimmlich überzeugen" with Franziska Herrmann.

The Nature & Environment section devotes several lectures to current topics on climate protection and modern building technology such as photovoltaics and heat pumps, balcony power plants, thermal insulation, electric cars, hydrogen technology and e-fuels. Under the title "Sustainable travel - more than just lip service", book author and travel expert Frank Herrmann explains, at the invitation of the VHS and the ecumenical working group One World/Bocholt World Shop, what problems modern mass tourism brings with it and why fair, ecological and climate-friendly travel is important.

In the area of culture & creativity, there are a number of new offers that are worth a look in the programme booklet - including the courses "Watercolour Lettering", "Hand Embossing on Paper" and beginners' as well as advanced courses in "Calligraphy". In addition to a photography workshop for beginners, there is a delightful selection of advanced courses, including architectural photography, a "Lost Place Model Shooting" in the Märchenwald Dingden and the "Garden Ramble" with a focus on close-up and macro photography.

In the health sector, the lecture series "Gesundheitstalk" (Health Talk) will be held this time with a focus on "care" in cooperation with the VHS, Ärztenetz BOHRIS e.V. and the senior citizens' advisory council of the city of Bocholt. One of the topics is "Dementia-sensitive communication - dealing with challenging behaviour in dementia", presented by the specialist book author Dr Elisabeth Phillipp-Metzen.

In the professional/EDP area, there will be a wide range of offers from "Apple iPad & iPhone for starters" to "Safe on the keyboard - 10 fingers blind". The offers on artificial intelligence are particularly interesting. In addition, there will be online events such as "Efficient project work - MS Teams", "Efficient office management - MS Outlook", "Editing videos with DaVinci Resolve" and much more.

In the subject area of foreign languages, courses in English, French, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, Croatian, Korean and Danish are in the programme.

For German as a foreign language and foreign language courses, language consultations are held on Tuesday, 22 August from 9:30 to 12:00 and on Thursday, 24 August from 9:30 to 12:00 and 14:30 to 16:30. Appointments can be made by calling 02871 953 7697.

 Filled to the brim with 430 courses and events: The new programme booklet of the Adult Education Centre Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg for the academic semester 2023/2024.
Filled to the brim with 430 courses and events: The new programme booklet of the Adult Education Centre Bocholt-Rhede-Isselburg for the academic semester 2023/2024.