Successful meeting to strengthen cooperation between Westphalian University, Bocholt and Wirtschaftsförderung Bocholt
A promising meeting took place in April shortly after the start of the summer semester at the Westphalian University of Applied Sciences, Bocholt, when the two new Deans of the Faculty of Business and Information Technology, Prof Dr Peter Nalbach and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Prof Dr Thomas Naber and Stefanie Geuting as Marketing Officer of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering met with the Bocholt Economic Development Agency (GF Ludger Dieckhues, Julia Gesing, Astrid Lukas).
The meeting should lead to even closer co-operation between the local educational institution and the local economy, with the aim of creating synergies and promoting local/regional development.
Constructive exchange
The meeting, which took place on the university's premises, was characterised by a constructive exchange on potential cooperation opportunities. The new deans brought new ideas for cooperation,...